Do I need a DI box from fx proc. ART to YAMAHA MD8

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New member
Out to all,
I found out five minutes ago that-finally- if I set my eq, at record, to 0 then I can get more strength and volume yet it still does not sound full enough. DI box?
Hey Napoleon: (how tall are you?)

I, too, have an MD-8.

I find it best to add the FX during mixdown and that can lead to hours of experimentation but it can also lead to some wonderful cuts.

If you are feeding your signal into the MD-8 and I'm guessing that is what you are doing, you can use the micline boost to increase the input if you can't get enough sound from raising the fader up, up, up. [of course you don't want to quack the sound with distortion.]

I'm not at the studio right now but as I recall at least the first four channels of the MD-8 have mic pre amp boosters; just turn the little knob at the top of whatever channel your using.

In turn, can you tell me how to bounce a recorded track to another track?

I follow the steps in the manual but all I get is a flashing LCD screen with *&^$%^& AS A MESSAGE. Obviously, I'm missing a step that the engineer left out on purpose. I suspect I'm not setting the in/out boundry of the track. Any help will be appreciated.

Green Hornet
PS Napoleon:

Your MD-8 has two FX loops; thus, you run your FX direct to the MD-8 or two of them as I do; you can record hearing FX and it won't be on the cut. When you mix down you can then add FX or experiment with different reverb rooms. It's a neverending task. But, it is fun.


Green Hornet
I too recently bought an MD-8. A very nice piece of equipment. For the bass, it might be that I'm not very sophisticated, but I just plug the bass right into one of the track inputs and play, and it seems to come out okay on the mix for me.

For Green Hornet - As far as bouncing tracks, there is a track copy function in the edit menu, where it picks up one track and lays it down in the track of your choosing. Or, you can use the group record function and redirect the track that is playing to the selected group track. (the overdub with playing function. But the whole grouping thing is not the most clear thing, I'd go with the track copy)

Speaking of neat functions, I just the other day figured out that you can select a segment of a track with the record IN/OUTs (like a vocal line) and lay down it in an empty track a couple frames behind for nice thickening of the sound (1 frame - thicker sound, 2-3 frames - slight delay, 6 frames is too muddy) BUT, I'm trying now to make a rhythm pattern by chopping up a single chord strum into different segments and arranging them. Fun stuff. I'm so glad I don't have to screw with tapes anymore.
