Do i have any singing potential?


New member

im new to this site and home recording, so if this is in the wrong place, forgive me.

Okay, so i want to start recording as a bit of a hobby i suppose, i love writing music and want to also join a band. I know i can't sing at the minute, im not tone deaf, i can hear my faults but i can't seem to improve much. Could you have a listen, give me some constructive critism? Will i be able to sing backing vocals in a band ever? or sing on my own tracks. Thanks in advance.

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I mean this in the nicest way possible. You can't sing. Some people can, some can't. You can't. Now that shouldn't stop you from trying as a hobby but man, you have pitch issues. I'm sure you could make some improvements with practice. Recording yourself and listening back to spot your problems will definately help (it's been an invaluble tool for me for sure). Again, no offense my friend.

It didn't help that you were singing in the wrong key. But like I tell people, ANYONE can learn to sing properly. It's all technical, really. So, in the end, what really separates singers from other singers is the natural sound of their voices (raspy, smooth, deep, etc.), strength, and dynamic. But technically anyone can learn to sing properly if they work at it.

Your main problem I would say is pitch and strength. Do not be afraid to exercise your voice. And to do that it helps to sing loudly! Not excessively loud ( unless you're going for opera haha) because you may hurt your voice... but definitely add some elbow grease to your singing. Also, it helps to find your vocal range, which keys your voice is most comfortable in, and what style of music you're going for. Especially the last one... I don't care how awesome of an opera singer you are, most likely you'll suck at country.

Anyway, I hope my advice helps you some! Good luck!

Okay, thanks for the feedback guys, i knew really i coudn't sing, i was just pushing on the off chance there was some potential, could i ever get a decent enough voice to sing backing in a band? and if so what practice would you recommened. If there's no hope fair enough, thanks for the honesty dudes.
As Track Rat says, "you can't sing" - I agree with that, but that's only for now. You have a nice voice, and NO ONE starts out singing with full support and strength. You just need practice.
Voice training. Sometimes certian people can't sing styles that weren't meant for them but they sound amazing in songs that are meant for them. look at Phil Collins,The Eagles,and the BeeGees. I know old examples but their leads all have very different vocal styles and if they sung eachothers songs they would sound terrible.
Don't misunderstand. Sing your ass off. Keep practicing. As I said, record yourself and do some critical listening. Get a keyboard or a guitar or something and map out what the melody SHOULD be and compare that to what you're singing and try to make corrections accordingly. Listening to yourself in the third person lets you know where you're going wrong and what you're doing right.
I agree with general consensus at the moment Chris - doesn't mean you can't improve though. It's not helping that your guitar isn't in tune either on the clip.

In terms of advice, I reckon it's just practice - practice singing some scales, Root notes/3rds/5ths/octaves - it should get your voice used to singing in key and picking out the right notes in the melody. Also, get some sheet music and sing along with melody lines as you pick them out on a guitar or keyboard. I'm sure you could find the sheet music for Wonderwall somewhere, even just as a learning exercise to track your progress. Even if you can't read music very well, you can see where the notes go up and down. Practice and go back to it every now and again and see if the recording of you singing it improves over time.
Are you playing the backup guitar? It sounds out of tune. That can affect the notes you sing as I depend on the guitar to guide my singing (I hear notes within the chords that are what I have to sing - or that harmonize with what I'm supposed to sing).

It sounds like the key you're playing in is somewhat lower than the original. I can understand transposing down so you can hit the high notes. But you're too low in this version. You're having trouble with support on the low notes. Fnd the highest note of the melody, figure out if you can hit it or how many steps you need to lower that note, then transpose the song accordingly the same number of steps.

You don't seem to know the melody. You're not even close to the right notes in much of the song. And you cannot blame it on being too high ;-) since you lowered the key. This is not making it your own. It just sounds like you need to memorize the tune better. Memorize i in the highe key, then you should be able to sing the right notes in a lower key - it's all math and intervals.

The good news is that you have the desire to sing and you're brave enough to post your initial results online for critique. That desire if it persists will take you from where you are today to a good singer (time factor depends on how often you work on it and what you practice).

Lessons are good but you can be a good singer by practicing songs you like and that are either in your range or are transposed to your range. Harmony singing is tough because you have to listen closer for the backup note on CD's (or get the sheet music). But Harmony singing pushes you into a higher range which is also a plus.

Now you're probably young (teenager?) so you may have never heard of the bands/songs I used to sing at your age. The 50's, 60's and 70's had some pretty good stuff to learn singing. Lots of pop/folk/rock/disco :-) that was easy for the average guy to sing (lead and harmony). But unless you're into that era, stick to Maroon 5 and Coldplay. I listen to top 40 now and it's got some but not scads of good learning songs...

Good luck !
this take sucked no offense man. look, most people can't sing for crap so why are you so scared? seriously. now try it again and this time push that s*** out, post that take, and then i'll let you know whether there's any hope for you or not, alright. sorry, if i repeated anything that had been said already.