Do a lot with not much


New member
Me again. How y'all doing? I got another tune over at it's mostly me showing off on the open "E" slide electric again but you may find the drum programing interesting. It's called "Mr Stoughton's Vacation" I got an Alesis SR-16 slaving a Boss 770 and an Alesis Nanosynth, a Strat and the usual ultra cheap bass into 5 tracks on a Korg D-8. Check it out. Mr. Stoughton was my high school science teacher who would get tired of boring us and just show movies and stuff about his trips to the desert to dig up bottles or whatever and I really have no idea what that has to do with this song but there you go.

That's some freakin good guitarstrokin'.. I destroyed my headphones earlier today, so I can only listen to it with these small bugger phones that you get when you buy a Walkman... so I can't comment on the bass.. :P

Drums are good, but they sound... broken.. Guitar is fat :D

keep it up!
Great tone. Great guitar playing.
I like the way the bass seems to vibrate my head without getting annoying. And I thought the drums worked even though they sounded machine generated.
I had a teacher like that in 8th grade.
Used to tell us all about the hookers he bought in Thailand.
Come to think of it, there were more than a few nutty teachers around when I was in school. Mrs Haight drank too much and would pass out on her desk, there was another guy, Mr. Fast who talked to his pencil, "Now Woody, I'm going to have to sharpen you now", "Woody they are'nt listening again", I think he ended up in a rubber room for awhile, Mrs Weldon used to watch the girls shower, Mr. Black, the principal hung out at the porn shop, my 6th grade teacher acted like a Puritan but drove like a maniac whenever she got behind the wheel.... solid citizens building America's future.