DKFH and DR008 revisited


New member
A while back I posted some questions about using the DR008 with Drumkit From Hell. Well, DKFH showed up at my house yesterday and I'm about to get started fooling around with it. Now, I've never really gotten into using the dr008 too much, since I've used a drum machine almost exclusively up to this point. I always planned on getting around to programming my drums within Sonar. So now I've been messing about with the piano roll, and I can tell between that, the dr008 and DKFH I've now got about a million times more flexibility than before. So thanks to those who steered me in the right direction. I just wish I could leave work and go home and play!
also, here's a question I came up with during my 5 minutes of free time last night.
When I switch the MIDI track's output from the midi outs on my 2496 to the DR008, the piano roll changes from having the hits appear as litlle diamonds to little bars. Can I get my little diamonds back while using the dr008?
Also, can I rename the keys to the left of the grid to whatever I want? I know I can change them to appear as some different kits, like arena, studio, etc., but how can I customize these?
Sorry if these are stupid questions. You know, it's funny. I originally got Sonar because I wanted to take advantage of it's midi editing capabilites, and I'm just now getting around to learning this stuff.
mbuster said:
Can I get my little diamonds back while using the dr008?
Also, can I rename the keys to the left of the grid to whatever I want?
You can have this lovely Drum Map that kgirl made for me. It will do everything you've asked for :)

Ah, kgirl really is a nice girl, isn't she? :)

(I hope this is the correct file)


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