DJ mixtape marketing


New member
Hello. I would like to sell a live mixtape (I'm a bedroom DJ and would like not to be) at a local shop, and believe I will be doing so soon. I was wondering if people who see this could tell me what _they_ would find appealing as a cover to a mixtape (a tape in a regular plastic case). What colors appeal to the market, what titles appeal, what designs or graphics? I don't want to make a large production out of the covers, but I believe I could produce enough full-color sleeves for the tapes for a low price (I don't believe I'll sell much for lack of recognition); I'm seeing if I can do anything to at least nudge people in the purchase direction.
Thank you
Ouch....what would anyone like to see on a mixtape, how's that for a better question? I mix straight to tape from my mixer....but then again...I can convert it onto the computer, and it would look more professional.
Unless you've paid all the licensing fees for the music you use, my advice is to be really careful when doing this. The RIAA is a real bastard when it comes to shutting down mixtape DJs.

Strangely enough, I'm listening to a mix CD now. Go to to see how she is marketing it.