

New member
Any of you got any tips on getting albums sold? I met this kid last night that has the best freestyles i've ever heard, in real life OR on record. We got to talking and he wants to blow up.

A small part of me just knows that if we sat down and recorded, people would eat it up. But a friend of mine keeps nay-saying and saying we won't ever be able to get anywhere "without knowing the right people", which is false, I have a handful of good connections. But other than just banging out tracks left and right, what should we do to really get this dudes name out there?

Thanks fam
marketing and time. knowing people helps, but you'll know more people through marketing and time. don't just throw out blank requests for myspace users either. take time to connect with the people you feel are beneficial to your hustle and don't be fake.
put complete songs together don't throw out randon stuff (freestlyes) pieced together..

network everywhere you go..not just on the net...hit up open mic shows get the artist in the show..let people know what open mics they performing at...get a nice song to DJs to spin in the club to get a feel on the reaction of the crowd....do whay you have to to be heard...and market to the right crowd....

promote, promote, promote

FA$E - TORMOIL album comming soon May/June 08

network, network, network...

What he said... promote, promote, then promote some more... Once you get the cd together, you can distribute an album online yourself through tunecore dot com.
put complete songs together don't throw out randon stuff (freestlyes) pieced together..

network everywhere you go..not just on the net...hit up open mic shows get the artist in the show..let people know what open mics they performing at...get a nice song to DJs to spin in the club to get a feel on the reaction of the crowd....do whay you have to to be heard...and market to the right crowd....

promote, promote, promote

FA$E - TORMOIL album comming soon May/June 08

network, network, network...

yeah we've definitely been writing complete songs, usually he'll freestyle and we'll record it, then there will be a catchy line/hook and we'll go from there. and yeah i've been promoting it like crazy and we havent even released anything yet, haha. all my friends that work in bars or clubs in downtown austin are ready to play our tracks in their bars/clubs, which is pretty awesome.
what about those things on myspace where you can buy songs/albums? or soundclick? do either of those really bring in any money, or is everyone in the world like me and only wants to listen to the free songs? :D

just wondering, because i know a few of you have those things set up, just trying to see how well it's working for y'all

thanks for the replies though fam
Any of you got any tips on getting albums sold? I met this kid last night that has the best freestyles i've ever heard, in real life OR on record. We got to talking and he wants to blow up.

A small part of me just knows that if we sat down and recorded, people would eat it up. But a friend of mine keeps nay-saying and saying we won't ever be able to get anywhere "without knowing the right people", which is false, I have a handful of good connections. But other than just banging out tracks left and right, what should we do to really get this dudes name out there?

Thanks fam

Yo, you're not talking distribution (unless there are CDs right now waiting to be sold), you're talking street work. I sure hope you didn't present yourself as a businessman with no business homie. Anyway...if you really want to get this dude headed in the right direction, get him in a studio and get some tracks laid down. After you have some solid product, start looking around at the local scene. Not many folks are going to buy an indie CD of nobody that they have ever heard of. My suggestion, start off at some of the smaller clubs and other venues around town that support underground music. That's gonna be your best bet starting out, especially for trying to get people to hear you and buy your music, even if you have to sell it for $5 a CD and break even on costs (with all the folks out there who will download anything they can get their hands on, you may have to). If you can play enough of those types of venues, you may be able to catch attention of an agent who will want to help him get into concerts opening for other people. If he can do enough of those, that'll help him push more product. If you can get to a good level where people are requesting CDs from you constantly, it may be of interest to seek out consignment deals with mom and pop stores, etc.

P.S. That myspace stuff, that's usually for promotion. I get more money usually local networking myself, but I keep myspace and soundclick around to keep a sample of inventory online. That's it. If it sells, cool, if not, I ain't trippin' because I network like crazy aorund these parts (and luckily for me, Tulsa doesn't quite have enough talented folks making beats, but a whole lot of wanna be superstars....thanks Carrie Underwood!!! :D

Ya friendly neighba-hood Fiev.
i didn't present myself as a business man by any means. basically all i said was that i can make beats for him, help write songs, and hopefully get both of our names out there. he's been fucking around with some producers around here, even some in dallas, and none of them have ANY hustle in them whatsoever. they're just like alright lets lay down a track...... then the track just sits in their hard drives and goes nowhere.

so we got to talking and decided that we're tired of that shit, tired of fakes and phonies and people that complain about not being famous but then not busting their ass to make a damn name for themselves. i know y'all feel me on that one