Distortion using Power Tracks


New member
I just played back a recording I made with Power Tracks. At the peaks of the wave, I get what sounds like static or pops. I opened the same .wav file in Cool Edit 96, and the song plays fine. I tried enabling Peak Limit in the Parametric EQ of Power Tracks, but I still get those clicks. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

I also use Powertracks Pro Audio (6.0) and it works great for me. What are your recording levels? Your peak level should stay right around -6db or you will get those pops, it's because the level is too high. The only other thing I can think of is your PC and/or soundcard, slower systems distort or pop when you're using them in full duplex (recording and playing back at the same time).

If it's not your level, then try scaping together some cash for more RAM. Hope this helps.
