Distortion Guitar Sounds Like Shite

foo said:
close mic the amp... (and if you have an open back cabinet, put them behind the speakers)

Be careful with your placement behind an open back cab because the speaker is 100% out of phase from behind.

Hard2Hear said:
I have Strats, Les Pauls, a PRS and a Tele... Of course, it would be better is I had even nicer gear

I wish I was suffering with that gear. :p

(Yeah, yeah. You probably meant amps...)
Speaking of distortion.. on this recording I used a simple 3 track layer technique on the heavy distorted rhythm guitar track. One rhythm track hard panned left, and another one hard panned right. Then I slid the right one back just a tad behind the left one. Then I recorded the same track again as one stereo file but with a different guitar. It came out pretty sweet, and this was with a Cyber-Twin, not a Marshall or Mesa Boogie.

"Injured Hand" (metal mix 2)