Distorted Vocals on DP32


New member

I'm have a problem with recording vocals on a DP32. They are always coming out distorted when I want a clean sound.

I'm hearing the distortion on the higher frequencies.

The mics I've used are Neumann TLM103, Shure SM7B, and an MLX V67 with a Mogami cable plugged directly into the DP32. I'm also using a Stedman pop filter.

When I'm recording, there is no clipping on the levels. I'm not using any effects and everything is set flat.

None of my instruments sound distorted, only vocals, but I've tried several different mics.

I've been recording in 16 bit, 44.1k.

Thanks for your help.

Sounds like the problem is that the trim control is set too high and the distortion is coming from the mic pre overloading. If the signal is turned down after the mic pre you would not see any clipping, however the distortion is already there.

Problem solved. I turned the faders up all the way and then turned down the trim knob to a lower level. That seems to help.

Thanks for your help.
