Discontinued (?) as of 24 Nov 2014: DP-24, DP-24SD and DP-32 (DP-32SD still active)


I was doing some informal cruising today, and per Tascam's web site, the above stated models have been discontinued. The only model it appears is still left is the DP-32SD. It kind of makes me wonder how much longer they'll offer the DP-32SD. I also wonder why they dropped the other three.

I should note that it can be VERY difficult to repeatedly verify some of this information due to the IMO poor shape of the Tascam web site and/or their search functions. The information does not always track from page to page. The DP-24 comes up as discontinued fairly consistently though.

One tip: Make sure that you have the correct country selected when searching. For me, it's the little US flag in the upper right corner.

You're all welcome to verify and comment/correct my findings.
I could understand them discontinuing. A CD, that is kind of like supporting SCSI?

I bet when they come out with the next generation, maybe SSD or just use SD cards (better solution in the long run), more powerful processing, more plugins and upgradable/purchase plugins, maybe even full touchscreen interface with fader control and additional split screen out all for under $1000 bucks with 8 pres.

I could see it.
I found this out myself yesterday as well. This is disappointing news. I guess the DP32SD is the last one standing. Not having the CD recorder is no big deal for me...but the unit has NO MIDI capability. Why they left that off I have no idea. Many of us still use drum machines and synthesizers and need MIDI to get it all sync'd together. Oh well. I hope this is not the end-of-the line for Portastudios. The only other company that still makes a serious multitrack is Zoom and even they seem to have lost interest in updating their line (and none of their recorders feature MIDI either). Cheers.
I think the days of protastudios could be coming to an end. I think they could still do them as I pointed out in my first post. For less than $600, I can purchase a 16 channel interface, low end laptop and Inexpensive DAW and I can do more than majority of the portastudios. Other than people not wanting to deal with a computer, the reason behind the portastudio is fading. From a price point, hard to compete.
Cratinus: I hadn't noticed the no MIDI thing. Yeah, I agree. Beyond comprehension.

DM60: Put together a system for me.
I need:
12 tracks minimum
40GB hard disk (or storage) space
Basic effects during mixdown: reverb, EQ, compression/limiting
Faders, NOT a mouse to "fade" with
The software to run it all.

Thanks in advance.
To do what you want, the faders will be somewhat problematic, but here is what it would look like:

Laptop, dual core (about $250) might be worth pushing that a bit, but for what a portastudio would do, this would do as well.
Tascam 1800 - 8 microphone inputs, 2 line in with gain control and 4 inputs and SPDIF for a total of 16 $275 (or less)
Reaper $60
Fader controller - Behringer B-Control Fader BCF2000 (motorized) $299

That is a little higher than a Portasudio, but it has a lot more capabilities. But it is under $1000.
Thanks for the reply.

And me, being the genius that I am, forgot to add one thing: MIDI, specifically, the ability to drive a drum machine with a clock to sync up.
Thanks for the reply.

And me, being the genius that I am, forgot to add one thing: MIDI, specifically, the ability to drive a drum machine with a clock to sync up.

The Tascam has a MIDI input/output. I think the motorized faders puts it on the high side on price, but that is a nice feature.
DM: Thanks again for your help.

I guess I also made another mistake in my request.
I'd like 12 tracks of recorded playback with fader control.
However, I only need 2 to at most 4 tracks of simultaneous recording.
I'm thinking that the Tascam 1800 is overkill for what I need.
I suspect that there are smaller units that would also work.
However, I need to remember the MIDI for driving the drum machine.

Thanks again.
DM: Thanks again for your help.

I guess I also made another mistake in my request.
I'd like 12 tracks of recorded playback with fader control.
However, I only need 2 to at most 4 tracks of simultaneous recording.
I'm thinking that the Tascam 1800 is overkill for what I need.
I suspect that there are smaller units that would also work.
However, I need to remember the MIDI for driving the drum machine.

Thanks again.

Might be over kill, but for the price, about the same as for a 4 input unit.

You might be surprised how useful that comes in. For example, you can keep instruments plugged in even if you are not recording. Eliminates the need to plug and unplug, then when you want to record, just arm the track, select the input and go. Good example is, keyboards. If you want to record with the keyboard sounds, you just keep it plugged into the input, then use it when needed. Think of it as connection management as well.

As stated, might be more than you need, but you are getting something for about the same price as a 4 channel unit. Plus, if you do record more instruments for any reason, you have that as an option. (Better to have and not need, than to need and not have)

Just doing a quick check on Sweetwater, most of the 4 channel interfaces are around $250. About the same price as the 1800.

Just a thought for you to consider.
Who knows what Tascam has up their sleeves next?

I think there’s always a market for “hands-on” home recording equipment hardware.

Last night I was mixing a tune in my little home studio on my DP24. The song had six tracks of guitars (3 distorted & 3 direct/clean), had two bass tracks (1 direct & 1 amp) and five tracks of drums. All tracks shared the same delay & reverb outboard rack gear; for an awesome live type of vibe.

While I wish it was automated mix with moving faders, I was still very happy to not have to deal with a mouse to get everything working nice together. I actually think it would have taken at least three times as long to mix with a mouse and even then, I don't think I could have made the same blends work with computer alone.

My hope is that Tascam introduces an even higher quality unit with: an output to connect a larger monitor, more effect sends/returns, individual track in/outs (for re-amping) and also maybe offer an upgradable fader automation package as an option.

Anyway, I can dream right?
