DirectPro Noob - 4 Seperate Tracks At Once?


Drunken Heckler
I posted this in the "Newbies" forum & didn't get any replies, hoping for some luck under Sound Cards...

According to Aardvark's website, it is possible to record four seperate tracks at once with the DirectPro 24/96.
The only track options I'm finding are combining two inputs per track (?).

Track 1 - Inputs 1 & 2
Track 2 - Inputs 3 & 4

I can't find the option to do:

Track 1 - Input 1
Track 2 - Input 2
Track 3 - Input 3
Track 4 - Input 4

Is this not possible? The "patch bay" routing config couples inputs (and outputs), so it's looking fairly grim.
You have to pan with your software recorder. Assign inputs 1&2 to software track one, pan left and only what's plugged into one on the soundcard will route to software recorder track one. Assign inputs 1&2 to software track two, pan right and whatever is plugged into two will record to track two. Get it?:cool:
Thank you very much, Track Rat!
Makes perfect sense having it spelled out, but I'd have never come up with it on my own. Couldn't find that in any docs.

Polaris, I thought the same at first. The same was occurring in Audio Studio, Samplitude (demo), and Sonar (demo).