"DirectiXer" VST wrapper is not very nice.


New member
I installed the demo of this, from the Cakewalk site. The only Plugin I used with it was the "Waldorf PPG Wave v.2"

While I was trying to use the PPG in Sonar 2, Sonar crashed 5 or 6 times, and my computer ( WinXP Pro ) suddenly restarted 2 times.

I uninstalled "DirectiXer" and installed the "FXpansion" VST wrapper. The PPG is now working fine within Sonar.

I just wanted to give anyone who is interested, a 'heads up' on my experience with these 2 wrappers, before they might end up spending their money on trouble.

I'm gonna go buy the 'FXpansion" wrapper now.

I too have found that Directixer doesn't work very well and also uses up a lot of CPU. And that the FXpansion VST wrapper seems to work much better.
No way Jose!

You must not have the latest version. DirectiXer 2.1 works way better then FXpansion VST-DX adapter. It doesn't scan every freakin' VST plugin like the FX does.

AmpliTube VST and Warp VST works with DirectiXer, not FXpansion.

Besides, Waldorf PPG is a very weak analog soft synth. There are a ton that sound way better like reFX JunoX2, Sonic Syndicates Delta III, NI FM7 1.1, NI Absynth, and NI Pro-52.

If you are serious and really want the best sounding analog soft synths, buy Reason 2 and use it with Sonar 2.

Plus, DirectiXer is only $49. FXpansion VST-DX is $60.

Enough said.
You take a lot for granted, 'gocyrus', and obviously haven't use the PPG beyond the demo version, if there is one.

My post was about the PPG not working with "DirectiXer"from Cakewalk's web site, and to warn people that it's totally unstable. You mentioned nothing about using PPG with "DirectiXer" 2.1 (???) but if the issues have been resolved, that major-buggy-crash-o-matic version at the Cakewalk site should be replaced with a demo of the newer version.

What's the point with telling me about your opinion involving other synths? FM-7 and Pro 52, to name a couple, both have DXi versions. I don't need to have a VST wrapper for those, and many other ones.

I'll go ahead and see if there's a demo of "DirectiXer" 2.1 at THEIR web site, instead of Cakewalk's. I'm curious to see if they REALLY did resolve some glaring major issues with their software, within a single revision.