Direct X plug ins?


New member
Do direct X plug ins work in Cubase SX? My sound card is not direct X compatible would this stop me using the BBE Sonic Maximiser?

Thank You for your time

Direct X plug-in's are fully SX compatable, they just take up a bit more of the computers resources than VST plug-in's which are much more native to the system.

I am no expert by any means but I don't think your soundcard has to be Direct X compatable to use Direct X plug in's in Cubase, it just means you can't use a Direct X driver as the driver for your card. If you have a dedicated ASIO driver for your soundcard I think you'd be fine.
Yeah, I tried using the Waves DX plugins on my system, which is very powerful, and they were hogging system resources like nobody's business! Renaissance Reverb took a whopping 20% on an Athlon 1.4 with 512 mb ram. As I read in SOS this month though these plugins are optimised all the time. I think if I get the VST versions they will be less processor intensive.
Alchemist3k said:
Yeah, I tried using the Waves DX plugins on my system, which is very powerful, and they were hogging system resources like nobody's business! Renaissance Reverb took a whopping 20% on an Athlon 1.4 with 512 mb ram. As I read in SOS this month though these plugins are optimised all the time. I think if I get the VST versions they will be less processor intensive.

You will find that VST versions of the same plugin will use VASTLY less processor power than the DX equivilents. Man, 20% is a huge load to add on for one plugin...especially with a system that fast. :eek:

There is always the trick of rerecording the track with the plugin pressed to the audio so that the plugin isn't actually being used on playback after that, which free's up your system from having to process the plugin realtime, but also gives you no control on the effect after that so you have to make sure that the effect is set perfectly to what you want in the final product. Of course that can be a trick since alot of times the sound you think you want for a particular track changes as more tracks as added. :D