Direct Show Error is giving me the blues......


New member
I have lost a song,
and it's making me sad.
Is there a chance for recovery,
or have I "done been had"?

I organized my "plug-ins" a while back, as they were
strewn about here and there. Moved everything into a tidy
directory, and now.....I can't play back audio from songs
that I "saved" with realtime effects in them.(midi works)
I lose ALL audio tracks even if they don't have effects on
them. When I try to delete the effect, I get this...

Direct Show Error [0x8004022A]
This filter does not support the current audio format.
bla, bla, bla

and it won't let me remove the effect.
Is there a way to view and manually edit the file,
or something clever I have overlooked?
Thanks for your help, Scooter
I tried that, but the problem kills ALL audio, even tracks
without effects. I also tried muting all but one of the
tracks and exporting it to a new file and got the message
"mixdown aborted"
Makes me wonder if I should have been also?(just joking)

Is there a way to find out what wave files are in the song
and reassembling them?
Thanks for your response, John, 'preciate it, Scooter