Direct Pro 24/96 vs Delta Omni Studio


New member
Direct Pro 24/96($500 with Cakewalk 9) vs Delta Omni Studio ($400 with I guess nothing?)

The Direct Pro has 4 mic pres, the Omni Studio has 2.
The Direct Pro has MIDI I/O, the Omni Studio has no MIDI I/O
What are the pros and cons of these two choices?

Are they equal in quality support, and sound?

Anyone have an opion of these two audio cards?

Any feedback would be appreciated!


just to mention there's many posts about this exact subject below.
I beleive the Omni's preamps are better than the Aardvarks.
With the Omni you can use midi if you plug it into the soundcard you already have or your computer, but you can, it is possible.
Omni studio does have something, but it isn't as good a deal program wise.
The Aardvark has the shielded external box and card, that's cool and I'm sure it helps.
It's so equal...If you read some of my posts below you'll know which one is for you.

Between those 2 cards I'd take the Aardvark without even thinking about it. Now, if you were talking about the Delta 1010, I would take that over the Aardvark 24/96.
i have both of these...i'm using the omni thing now because i have a use for the interface....however, i have no plans of getting rid of the aardvark right away....both cards are fine and's really a matter of your personal preference...and the omni does come with software.

one thing, the omni has it's own power supply...the aardvark is powered solely via the pci the omni has channel inserts...does that rock, or what?

but like i said, it really is a matter of personal preference...both are good