Direct In 414mkIII?


Is the "guitar in" for guitar/bass in the back of the 414mkiii equal to a stand alone "direct in box"? Or will you get a higher quality by using a seperate direct in box for your electric guitars?

The "dedicated" GTR input on the 414mkII is nothing more than an extra input with an extra "pad" resistor,... to handle the relatively hotter signal you'd typically get off a e'guitar pickup, vs. the "standard" line level signal from other typical "line" devices.

It's also a handy & cool feature, that makes the 414mkII a cut above the tech of the 414 (std).

You should not need a separate DI box for guitar, when using the 414mkII or any other similar Tascam Portastudio. Use the built-in inputs and GTR input, and you'll be fine. Plug the guitar into the Porta' & go to it!!

PS: any of the other 4-(main)-Inputs will accommodate an e'guitar signal just fine, too. Think of the dedicated GTR input on the 414mkII as "icing on the cake".

Thanx, & good luck!
