DILEMMA (A musician's nightmare)


New member
MisterQCue - I hear you man, fortunately I'm glad my wife doesnt beef, she actually wants me to take it regardless, and she has my back. We like lavish things but we do it in moderation, not so frugal with loot, plus we would like to start a family soon, after losing our first born, it kind of made us stronger and more assertive to take life by the balls
Imagine if you will, working in corporate america making sufficient finances around 40k yearly, but you HATE IT, then you come across
your dream, to work in a musical environment
musicians much like yourself, walking, talking discussing what you love, and getting paid for it, with commission.

Problem: your getting at least 1/2 of what you made before, ---BUT--- You would love to be in that atmosphere all day and regardless the $$$, you still get paid with paid percentage of sale(it's SAM ASH).

--Oh what pain lies on thy head in worry--

Any words of encouragement or discouragement?
Taking in consideration of your bills and other financial obligations,your luv of music,luv of your wife, household etc.
I say go for it!. Are you referring to the Sam Ash on 48th street. I was once offered a job there 'bout 12 years ago but turned it down to work on Wall Street( How i hate this job).If and when i do recieve that 2nd chance
I will take it no matter what my fiscal situation is. Music is my life (along with my son and daughter) and i can and will make amends in the difference in salary.
Yo Bliss,take the job! If it's on 48th street,i will come straight to you for all my purchases (and of course i KNOW you'll hook me up with some discounts! :) ) I would give up this job in a second if i was in your shoes.Matter a fact,which Sam Ash is it????? :)

Do they have any more openings???????

[This message has been edited by MISTERQCUE (edited 06-08-2000).]
yeah man it's the one on 48th & 7th, and they are hiring, go down there, go into the computer section, ask receptionist for a application, then she will ask which position you want to apply for: Computer, Audio, Recording, Keyboards, pick one, at it will be a miniature test, to see your skills.

After that a Tim Brown will call for the interview. Maaaaaan it's been weighing on me yo! the misses is with it, I spoke to my boy and he said, dont do it cause of the difference in cash, (like he think I live for cash) I wanna do what Mary song "BE HAPPY"
I dont know, I have until Thursday to call him back -------------

wait a minute, I didnt say it was me in this situation (ha ha ahaha) but yeah it is, so you would take it hungh! ---- my 401 can pay off my credit card bills which isnt much --- otherwize than that --- it's morgage,car note and insurance --- that's it ----- all my equipment is paid for. uuuuuuuugggggghhhh
That would be my hardest problem. The mortgage,car note etc. But if i save a lil here and save a lil there,I am sure I'll
find away.
My biggest obstacle; convincing my wife!
She loves to live large('specially at my expense!) but f#ck it! I'm goin' up there
tommorrow at lunch-time and see what's up!
Wish me luck and you the same!
Hey MisterQCue --- they offered me the job at Sam Ash Pro (located on Broadway tween 47 & 48) The job is like in my pocket, if I quit today I could start tomorrow, EXCEPT they trying to start a brother with 20K, that's like exactly half of what I get now,

----SIIIIGGGGHHHH---- of all damn job markets
the entertainment field is the cheapest, DAMN, well let me get on this "b.e.t." site and chat with some chick offering jobs in A&R positions ---- I tell ya , you gotta have (PP) Passion & Patients
That 20K and time for your music? Or 20K and you get to see other people who have time for their music? You're worth 40K standing on your head. So negotiate for their money, but get paid the other half in free time. I'm in my mid-40s, family, business, mortgage, etc. Loving (almost) every minute of it. But I have no time. None. Get them to give you time.

If you have two, three days a week all your own, no mortgage, no kids and a wife who doesn't mind being a breadwinner, Jump!
Why don't you try working there part-time for awhile?
Right now, you're in dreamland. You're making a decision based on what you perceive this job to be... "fun in toyland".
Well, it's not, I assure you. There are quotas to make, and bosses may pressure you to make sales. You might have shitty co-workers who'll stab you in the back and steal your customers from you. Or maybe you just won't get along with them.
How are you going to feel when customers ask you about gear that your not familiar with? When I go to Sam Ash, I know about 3 times as much as the average salesperson in just about every department, except for wind instruments. It's embarrasing for them when they have no clue about the gear I'm interested in.
I'm not trying to discourage you or shatter your illusions. I'm just trying to give you a different perspective.... "reality".
Like I said, try it out part-time first to see if you really like it. Otherwise, you might be kicking yourself in the ass later for giving up the higher paying job.
Buck62: True, True Buck, but this isnt that type of Sales, like on the floor sales, I'll be in the Headquarters, with a office, but I get what you saying, but if you've ever had a drive to do something, and it told you otherwise I know you would listen too.

Being the money is a factor, I guess I'll shit it out here for sometime longer. Also, I know about 3 times more than those guys do to, and also nothing about the WINDS (WHO DOES) ha ha ha, anyway ---it's still up in the are, and far as working part time, I HAVE A HARD ENOUGH TIME HERE --- I like going home to do my music, specially now that I'm close to synching my BRC with MXPXT and Cubase ----I'm like a mad scientist man ----- (GHOULISH LAUGH--ooohh ha hah aha ha, ooooooooooh ha ha ahha aha)
Yo Bliss, your numerous post's on "BRC this
and that" do indicate that you are a mad scientist! :)
'Specially the 1 where you offered "$100 and
a Good Home Cooked Meal" to any one who can figure out your BRC/Motu(?) connections to your 'puter. (Wish I knew,coulda used the money!) :)
Treeline: Yeah, I would have the regular hours 10-6, so I would have time for my music, as I usually have (afterwork & wkends)
so that's no problem, BUT I do have a car note & rent, credit cards dont exceed 5k, so I can clear that up, but the fact of living nicely for 6 years, has it's advantage making their offer look very midgety and low.

I'm going to call today to negotiate about 28K, at least make up for the difference, it's not exactly 35k but not 20K either
----oh the worry on thy head---
Bliss congrats! I was told that they were
offering a top dollar of 22k-24k.Man, that is just too low! I talked it over with my peeps and she told me that taking in consideration of our mortgage,future car-note(were buying a new car in 2 weeks) etc,etc.
And also taking in consideration that my job
does give quarterly bonuses,I should probably wait to the next open hiring period.
BTW,what's your name? Cause, I'm gonna bring all my biz your way!

Aaron Collie

I'm gonna go up there in a few minutes to by a new Bass!
BTW,my Company is relocating from the Wall
Street area to 40th street and 5th ave. so
I'll be even closer to Sam Ash (and probably
much more poorer on pay-days)

What dept will you be working in?
MISTERQCUE: Real name is Tim Hawkins --- but I havent exactly said yes to them, I mean the job is for the taking, I mean if I leave today I could start tomorrow. But bottom line, I'm sorta in your situation, wanting to get more things (2nd car, condo in Miami)

I dont think that salary would cut it, but I may try to talk to him about at least going to 28K, at least for base, that would make me leave, and also, It was offered by
Sam Ash Pro on Broadway tween 47th & 48th
(which is the better spot, cause its not a lot of people and it's 9--5, no weekends)
Okay...for my grumpy 2 cents. I have a "day job" and really love my music on nights and free time. Because I am not dependent on music for a living (like some of my friends) I can play and do what I want to. Additionally, I make more money in my day job, so I have a lot more to spend on my music. Finally, I have friends that play for a living and other friends that work in music stores. Most of them are so sick of listening to music and music related questions all day, they have almost given up music in their free time.

That being said, it is great to chase a dream. I did that myself once... in a different field. Just a thought or two and good luck whatever you decide!!
MISTERQCUE: ha ha ah aha that's funny man, and you know what I stayed in that studio till I got it too man, well it's not LOCK & STOCK but when I get this MOTU 2408 Audio it should get me there --- ha ha hhahah Maaaaan that is funny I offered $100 & Cooked Meal

RJT-- I hear you on chasing a dream, I hear you LOUD AND CLEAR --- but it's almost like someone telling you, HEEEEERES a Mercedes CLK
drop top, creamed out to the 9's and it's ALL
YOURS --- and you take it, and BOOM now you worry about the INSURANCE ----- but you took that dream (Car)
It is always tough to know what to do... as we will never know how the other decision would have turned out. I am glad that, as a young man, I followed my dream and spent a few years doing exactly what I wanted and (more importantly) learning about myself on the way. I opted for the "day job" later on and feel this works pretty well for me now. I'm not sure I would feel this content if I had never chased my dream. As above...may the force be with you!!
----------took the job Music gig job--------
---------------YEah RIGHT-I'm not crazy-----
Congrats...Hope you enjoy the work and they soon compensate you in a manner commensurate with your skills!!