Digitech RP7 vs. Line 6 pod 2.


New member
Hello to all,

Many reviews in this forum say nice things about the Line 6 Pod 2. I own a Digitech RP7, and the distortion sound is not what I expected. When I purchased it I had no time to test it, and I got stupidly hypnotized by the pale light of the valve. Newbie behaviour, I guess.

Should I sell it and get a Pod? Is it really worthy?. I have also a Fat Man 2 valve compressor rack that -in combination with the Pod 2- could create the nice warm effect given by the valves.

Basically I am searching for a good distortion sound. The Fat 2 and some Cubase make-up will do the job for the clean sounds. The amp simulation in the Pod is another feature that the RP7 does not have.

Thanks in advance,

I have an RP7 and have recently used the POD for several projects. The POD sound's much better. That tube is as good as a light bulb. You won't miss the RP7. I only keep it for live use.
I own a Pod and I use a Line 6 Flextone ll live. The Pod is decent for direct recording, IF your only expecting demo quality. They're clean sound is very good direct. The best way to record guitar IMHO is to mic an amp. If you record late, or have crabby neighbors, then Pod will give you acceptable results.
Thanks. You defined my situation perfectly jeff5xo. I this circumstances Iwas just searching for something better than the RP7. The best recording will be always through an amp, and this become even more necessary with the bass guitar, which is always driving me nuts. For the time beig I must trust on good "demo" sounds and some Cubase make up to get close to the sounds I want.
Thanks again for your repply,
My experience with the POD:

Was amazed by how well Line 6 captured the gen. "vibe" of each amp while demo-ing the POD at local music store.

Ordered one. Had lots of fun reading the manual.

Recorded 5 songs worth of guitar instrumentals through POD directly into DAW.

Burned cd. Embarrassed by results!

Nutshell: the POD sounds great through headphones. It is the king of all "Silent Practice tools." BUT - watch out. The POD sounds paper thin IMHO when you start stacking tracks. There is no substitute for micing up an amp.

My solution: I sold the POD and bought a little Roland MicroCube for super quiet late night recording. This thing is a 6 WATTER. Throw an SM57 in front of it - sounds lots better than the POD.

I don´t get it. According of what I read, the PGA 04 and 05 are basically amp simulators. Whats the implementation compared with the POD?
I believe the sound of an amp is given by the overall design of the device (amp, speakers, the material of the box or even the quality of the knobs). If you plug the Palmer on the head of the amp, you will only use the circuitry of the amp and you skip the rest. You skip the screen and the natural compression of the box, for example. It looks like working twice and doubling the the risks of noise inyection into the mixdown, isn't it?

Ben Logan

Regarding to your remark "The POD sounds paper thin IMHO when you start stacking tracks". Do you think a good compressor could help to enhance the sound? Any trick?
Got the Shure, got the instruments and got the DAW. But I cannot buy a guitar amp. Swiss neighbours...

Thanks again for your help.

i own the newest version of pod and i will agree that it sounds thin. the pod is an emulator. the palmer unit is a whole different thing. i dont know how to explain exactly how it works but i would say it takes the sound of your amp head and puts that sound on tape. they are known to produce a in your face type of sound. supposedly queens of the stone age use them.

here is another unit like the palmer http://www.motherload.co.uk/motherload1.html

here is a thread you can check out about the palmer unit.

Personally all the modelers on the market and up to date are eclipsed by the Vox Tonelab. The Tonelab is, so far, the best sounding/feeling one that I've heard.

Highly impressive stuff. Annihilates the POD XT in every way except options. On a sound per sound basis the Tonelab is twice the POD.
Have you heard how the PodXT version 2 sounds? I love it!! I have the new classic pack and it sounds great!!!
i didnt like the demo on the tone lab site. for scratch tracks i use a old pod 2,0 and its not bad at all. as with anything the pre-sets are not the greatest. i guess the 57 on the grill is still the go- to
You are right about the factory presets on the ToneLab, they suck. I do not use any of them. However when you make your own, they are right on the money.

I gig all over the U.S., My ToneLab comes with me to all gigs. The unit comes with a great software program called,"ToneLab Sound Editor". It makes programing your own presets a breeze.

You can also put the ToneLab in the MANUAL MODE. By doing so, all you have to do is turn to the AMP & SPEAKER you want and your done.
I guess from your name you have a 5150... so you record with a POD? I think my amp sounds better than a POD. I agree with you though, POD does sound better than a 5150.

ToneLab sounds great, but not for heavy rock or anything heavier than classic rock, it seems to lose it when it gets heavy.
Tonelab etc

One thing people tend to forget about the Tonelab is that it reacts more as an amp would, not as a processor. It's still within boundaries, but the tone controls, gain, and VR gain all change the sound similar to the amps in question. I don't have much experience with the POD, but the sounds, from what I could tell, were more Top Hit kind of sounds, not amp sounds.
Now, the Palmer Speaker Sim is amazing. It's not an amp sim by any means, but a speaker load attenuator, which happens to provide an accurate sound of a 4x12 speaker cabinet for direct recording. It requires that you have an amp you like, but that's better than a modeler to begin with. You can hear it on Joe Satriani's newest album, but I don't really think that's the best example of what it can do (No offense to Satriani fans, but his tone is lacking nowadays).
3m()P\_/|/|K said:
I guess from your name you have a 5150... so you record with a POD? I think my amp sounds better than a POD. I agree with you though, POD does sound better than a 5150.

ToneLab sounds great, but not for heavy rock or anything heavier than classic rock, it seems to lose it when it gets heavy.

Yeah and First Act owns any guitar!
A First Act plugged into a POD.. now there's REAL TONE! :p