Digitech DSP128


New member
Anyone know where I can get a copy of the manual for a Digitech DSP128, or maybe where I could download one??? Thanks!
Good question! I bought my DSP used and have been muddling through without a manual, but it does off things now and then (it says BATT when switched on, but the toggles through the different modes and works fine; but now some LEDs are not working 100% of the time). Anyone have any PDFs? Thanks a boatload.
Someone advised I check out the Digitech site which says you can send them $5 and they'll send you a manual. But I hate snail mail!
My DSP of course is used but seems to work fine and all of the LEDs are intact. The only weird thing is that whether the unit is on or off it emits a faint scent of electrical burn. Go figure. Ever have that happen?
I have many DSP 128 and 128 plus units. I havent had any problems with any of them . I get them for about a hundred bucks a piece.I use them live and in my studio, they are great.

Im after a Manual for a Digitech 256XL as well...but I emailed them several times and got no respose, I think the only manuals they have in PDF format are at the home page

I've got an ancient 128 that I use in my guitar rig. I bought it used, but I have the manual. If there's a specific question you have, I'd be happy to look it up for you. Any of you really, just let me know.
Great CMiller! I guess my main question is regarding whether you can isolate just one effect, like reverb alone, but I also am unsure as to what each editable parametre does. Any chance you could make a copy of the manual and mail it to me? If so, post a reply in a manner so that I can email you my mailing address. Thanks for your time!
Hey man, I didn't forget about your question, I've just been extremely short of time the last few days. My scanner broke, so I won't be able to copy the manual for you (at least not that way). Let me see what I can come up with, and I promise I'll get back to you this week with an answer. Sorry it's taken me so long to reply.
Just one thing more...you can't isolate just one effect at a time, but you can set the parameters of each effect to nothing to isolate the effect you want. For example...

Let's say you want to isolate the reverb in the Medium Room, Delay, Chorus patch. Here's what you could do...

Set Pre-delay to whatever you want
set Decay time to whatever
set Reverb Level to whatever


Delay Range: 1
Delay Time: 0
Delay Feedback: 0
Delay Level: 0
Animation Velocity: 0
Animation Distance: 0
Chorus Delay Time: 0
Chorus Level: 0

You get the idea. Every parameter having other than Reverb settings are set to their lowest level preventing them from effecting the signal.

It's a pain in the ass, and without the manual you will have a tough time knowing which parameter is what, but until I get back to you with a parameter list, that'll have to do.

I'll make a list and post it when I get a chance.
Thanks so much! What you describe has given me a great deal of help and is exactly what I needed to know about isolating reverbs. Look forward to the parametre list. Thanks again!!
DSP 128 Parameter List

Ok, here's the list of parameter abbreviations and algorithm numbers. I hope this helps. If there's anything else you need me to fill you in on, let me know.

rd ..... Reverb Decay Time
Pd ..... Reverb PreDelay Time
rl ..... Reverb Level
AE ..... Accent Envelope (reverse reverb effects)
AA ..... Accent Amplitude (reverse reverb effects)
d ..... Delay Time, Multi-tap Right Delay
dr ..... Delay Range 1. 0 - 249 ms
2. 250 - 449 ms
3. 500 - 749 ms
4. 750 - 999 ms
5. 1.0 - 1.8 ms
F ..... Feedback
b ..... Delay Time, Multi-tap Left Delay
c ..... Delay Time, Multi-tap Center Delay
E ..... Multi-tap Feedback Delay
C ..... Low-pass Filter Cut-off Freq
Au ..... Animation Velocity (chorus effects)
Ad ..... Animation Delay (chorus effects)
Cd ..... Chorus Delay
CL ..... Chorus Level
Fd ..... Flange Delay Time
FF ..... Flange Feedback
FL ..... Flange Level
ir ..... Initial Reflections (reverb effects)
bt ..... Bounce Texture (bounce effect)
Si ..... Stereo Image (stereo image generation)
CH ..... MIDI Channel Number

The DSP comes with 17 different effect Algorithms...

1 Small Room Delay
2 Medium Room Delay
3 Large Room Delay
4 Gated Reverb
5 Reverse Reverb
6 Delay
7 Multi-tap Delay
8 Chorus
9 Flange
10 Hall Reverb
11 Live Medium Room
12 Live Large Room
13 Multi-tap, Reverse Reverb
14 Chorus, Delay, Medium Room Reverb
15 Chorus, Delay, Large Room
16 Bounce
17 Stereo Image
How about MIDI control of the parameters?

Hi Guys.

Thanks for posting this question. I have a DSP-128 and have only scratched the surface of what I can do with it because I am also lacking a manual.

My question is--

I notice a MIDI port on the back of the unit. Does this mean I can control the parameters of the unit from my MIDI sequencer? I tried doing this by plugging the unit into my MIDI patchbay and then used OMS to auto-detect it, but to no avail. It doesn't find the DSP.

Anyone doing this?

I don't think the DSP-128 responds to continuous controllers. The MIDI ports are mainly for program changes and bulk dumps. Also the DSP-128 plus has an algorithm that dedicates all of its processing to reverb only. They call it "Ultimate Reverb". I have the "Battery" problem on both of my units and they were both updated to the plus chip. I'm sure my battery clip and the connection to the battery are both good so I don't know what's going on with that but it sounds like a common problem.
Hi again CMiller. While flipping through the Digitech programs I discovered these parameters (?) I cannot identify. Maybe you can help!

1F (or IF)...
1L (or IL)...
5P (or SP)...
5L (or SL)...

and on the Hall reverb:
5t (or St)...
5d (or Sd)...

and what is "5P65" (or SP6S)???