Digitech 2112


New member
Greetings all,

Has anyone ever owned one of these processors? They claim to deliver that "Marshall Stack Sound" through using a line input for direct recording but I've been burned by this marketing ploy before.

I was just curious because a Vintage dealer told me that these no-longer-made "gems" were already classics and gaining in value. He said that the new models are just garbage compared to the 2112 "Gold Faced Classic". He told me I could have it with the foot controller for $2400 but I was able to talk him down to $1900. He said that some other guy was down earlier looking at it and was probably going to come back for it FAST.. if not to use to resell and make a profit. I was ready to cut him a check right there but I wanted to come back here and check with you guys in the forum. Thank god I found this place for it's definately a wealth of good advice.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!

AdrianFly said:
Greetings all,

Has anyone ever owned one of these processors? They claim to deliver that "Marshall Stack Sound" through using a line input for direct recording but I've been burned by this marketing ploy before.

I was just curious because a Vintage dealer told me that these no-longer-made "gems" were already classics and gaining in value. He said that the new models are just garbage compared to the 2112 "Gold Faced Classic". He told me I could have it with the foot controller for $2400 but I was able to talk him down to $1900. He said that some other guy was down earlier looking at it and was probably going to come back for it FAST.. if not to use to resell and make a profit. I was ready to cut him a check right there but I wanted to come back here and check with you guys in the forum. Thank god I found this place for it's definately a wealth of good advice.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!


$2400 for a Digitech ANYTHING is Waaaay tooo much. Wait for the "other guy" to buy it.

EDIT: I just saw prices for used ones going from $300-$800 and everything in-between. SOme up to $1400. You can do MUCH better than your "vintage dealer".
I agree with Acorec 100%. The 2112's only cost half tht new if I remember right. In my opinion, this is about the only piece of Digitaech gear worth owning. I believe they had a version called the "artist" if I remember right. I used to know some people who worked at Digitech and was told that the "artist" upgrade was well worth it. But $2400? you could get the real Marshall half stack and have plenty of dough left over:D
There's one on ebay right now for 300. No footpedal, but they go for around 100 if I remeber right. The upgrade chip is 20.
AdrianFly said:
Greetings all,

Has anyone ever owned one of these processors? They claim to deliver that "Marshall Stack Sound" through using a line input for direct recording but I've been burned by this marketing ploy before.

I was just curious because a Vintage dealer told me that these no-longer-made "gems" were already classics and gaining in value. He said that the new models are just garbage compared to the 2112 "Gold Faced Classic". He told me I could have it with the foot controller for $2400 but I was able to talk him down to $1900. He said that some other guy was down earlier looking at it and was probably going to come back for it FAST.. if not to use to resell and make a profit. I was ready to cut him a check right there but I wanted to come back here and check with you guys in the forum. Thank god I found this place for it's definately a wealth of good advice.

Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated!


holy shit!!!!!!!! DO NOT BUY IT!!!!!! this guy is trying to scam you into buying it for that insane price by telling you someone is coming back ....fast. they are old and you can get them for $200. as far as that "marshall stack sound" through the direct outputs,well that is a load of crap also. it sounds like hell direct. totally synthetic and emulated.
hope that helps.