Digital - you should listen to this !!!


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okay - bottom line - 26 hours front to back with 6 hours sleep 20 hours .......

Voicelive with audix 0m5 all on vocals - a - effin - mazing

epiphone - 2 tracks thats it !!!

1 synth arp , 1 pad , 1 piano

mapex all real sampling

proud :)
Thanks !!! It was a considerably quick mix ......I opted to use a psy-q processor on the creamware platform.....I am supremely impressed with it's quality !
Wow, great song and good mix! I actually prefer the live version, mostly because of that horrible auto tune. It's a preference thing and I guess the point of it is to kind of parody the contents of the song? But I really really love the live version.

And yes, Kurt Cobain (who used to be like my god for years) would be ashamed of much of todays over-polished productions.
I was going to criticise the vocal effects... then listened to the lyrics and realised that was the point :facepalm:

Excellent, good writing, good production, good performance. I would say that the drums are a little too compressed, but then I think that about nearly everything I hear on here so I think that must be me.
Overall pretty good. Nice harmonies. Good singing all around. I was going to say you might want to go over the top a little further in the vocal effects in a spot or two. But the song is a bit too serious for that I suppose.

The drums sound like they're in a different spot than everything else. Quite a bit more reverberant than the other tracks. Kick and snare have a little "cardboard-ness" to them.