digital recording talk


New member
I use Cubase on a very amateurish level. I want to know first some about those terms. I guess most of them are things that I do but don't know the name...

like what is the difference between sequencing and mastering? is playing with bass-mid-treble knobs called "equalizing" and what are the software you use for it.
bilibilek said:
is playing with bass-mid-treble knobs called "equalizing" and what are the software you use for it.

In a sense, you are equalizing when you turn the those knobs.

There isn't any specific software for EQ, but plugins you can use with your main audio programs, which usually comes with their own EQ software.
"sequencing" can mean a couple of things, when you use it in conjunction with "midi" it usually means creating a sequence - a midi file that tells your midi gear what to play (like the piano roll in a player piano).

when you hear "sequencing" and "mastering" together, it usually refers to putting together the final order of songs - the sequence - on a recording.

"mastering" is the final processing step between mixing and reproducing your disc or tape - mastering involves making sure all the material sounds approximately the same volume (so you're not turning the volume up for track 3 and down for track 4, etc.), sweetening the eq, and basically making the tracks sound like they fit together as a whole, instead of just being a pile of songs on a disc.

hope this helps.

- housepig