Digital Problems.


New member
Does anyone know how much digital info can be transferred using SPDIF. I know that ADAT is only capable of sending 44.1khz digital signals but i dont know if SPDIF sends two 44.1khz (one each for the left and right channels) or two 96khz signals.

Thanks for any help.

Wrong on all accounts. ADAT transfers 8 tracks up to 24 bit, 48khz or 4 tracks at 24 bit 96khz. S/PDIF transfers 2 tracks at up to 24 bit, and at least 96khz (I'm not sure where the ceiling is).
I did know the bit about ADAT, honest...

You sound like the kind of guy who might be able to help me with another problem. I have an O1V96 and i am trying to record audio through this into Cubase SX at 96khz. The O1V has an option called double channel which sends a 96khz signal down two ADAT cables. When i monitor the signal in cubase using a stereo audio track only the left meter shows a signal. Is this correct and if so how does cubase know that the two signals are meant to be read as one??? (Is it my sound card changing the two ADAT signals into one as it knows that it is receiving 96khz because that is the word clock setting).

Also is there anyway in which you can measyre the rate at which an audio signal is being sent. ie can i be sure that the O1V is sending 96khz signals instead of 48khz.

Thank you
