Digital on vinyl?


New member
Ok, I've never saw anyone bring up this question before, so excuse me if it's already been answered...

Is it redundant to put a whole cd that (that you recorded DIGITALLY) on a vinyl record? Just to clarify...If I record my whole cd digitally and then go get it pressed in vinyl, am I making an unnecessary move? Will it make a difference in sound quality?
The only diff I could see would be introduction of crackle and such. Once it's digital it's digital. I could be wrong though, but I don't think so.
i dont really see the point, unless its for personal use.
i wood imagine the sound quality would be dimished. i pretty sure 16bit was a big deal when it came out. and the high points wear off records pretty fast, maybe new ones are better/more durible, but i dout it.
besides the only people with record players are old people and fanatics <i dont know if you can play records on a scratch player>
kids today want everything in mp3, they dont even own cd players anymore. <witch sux>
and i bet it would cost alot more.
cool idea thou. i like the scratchyness of records, it makes up for the umptyness of older recordings imho.
Bouncing the final 2-track to tape (analog) is done often, to add some analog "warmth." Going to vinyl might have the same effect, and I don't think it would be pointless.

Please, try it. Then record both and post 'em up here for us to listen, compare, comment and flame.;)
I'm pretty sure that printing digital onto vinyl won't really make a difference. If you use analog gear to record then you could hear the differences for sure. But either way it's going to sound a hell of a lot better then an MP3. Keep in mind that vinyl has a Dynamic Range of 70 db and MP3 are only 15 db, unfortunately the common consumer could give a crap less. Personally i Love records but they just don't sell...
Don't listen to those other turds dissing vinyl...

I know alot of my freinds bands are doing limited runs of vinyl 7" records for their fans. With a bonus tracks or a few tunes from their cd. It kind of a phase but it is a respectable phase.

It is something tangible and less sterile looking then a cd to todays younger generation.

I also see it as an act of dedication. Any body with a microphone and a computer can theortically put out an 'album' on disk.

That same guy has to go those extra steps to put out a 'record'

you know?

To my understanding you can put digital on Vinyl no problem but i think it may require a different kind of mastering process. Maybe. Citation needed there.

Another thing to look into is you can have a a digital donwload version of the the content on your record. Alot of folks are doing this as well.

but it's worth looking into for sure. I'll be looking into it myself when i get that far.

good luck.