Digital Leaking on My AkaiDPS16 Help!!


New member
So here's the deal....we were recording drums on the recorder and to test the levels, we recorded a sound check...once we got everything like we liked it, we rewinded it and recorded the real thing...however when we finished this and listened to the playback, it sounded good, BUT then the original sound check that we had recorded cut in. It does this all the time. When playing back a recording, old recordings will cut in and leak into the tracks...Whats the cause? Whats the solution? Help!
What do you mean by "leaked in"?

Was the sound check recorded on different tracks then the 2nd take?
If that's the case, and you had effects on the sound-check track, then you're still going to hear that track at a low volume if the effects are still ON.
Try this.... turn OFF all tracks that you don't want to hear. Then, make sure that the effects on those tracks are down to ZERO. That should do the trick.
Otherwise, you need to clarify exactly what is going on with this "leaking" thing.
It was actually on the same tracks.....It would the play the song i recorded but then tracks i had recorded over would still come up and cut in at certain spots.
Try erasing tracks before you record on them, seems like a pain, but it might fix it.