digital ear-- wav to midi converter

Dr Shock

New member
Has anyone used digital ear....the wav to midi converter? Just wondering how good of a job it does converting wav to midi
I tried the demo but it would only let me convert for a very short time ( 2 seconds). Just wondering if anyone has it, and if they are happy with it. 2 seconds was not enough for me to get a good enough idea
If they need to cripple their demo in that draconian way they must be hiding something.

It's not a good sign when a demo version has more than just 'can't save' as a limitation.

On the other hand, there are a bunch of reviews on their web site and all say --- to varying degrees --- that it's a useful tool.

I think you're on your own on whether to lay down your hard earned cash for it.

Even the WAV to MIDI software that has the best reputation doesn't do that good of a job IMO.

I've tried a few, taking a simple polyphonic acoustic guitar recording, just simple notes, and the resulting MIDI file wasn't very close. Maybe if you ran it through some sort of VSTi it might be, I don't know. But the MIDI data wasn't a good representation of the original source.
I purchased Digital Ear and I really like it. It really does a good job with single note lines. You can not do any chords and all Wav files must be 44,100 16 bit mono. Strangely enough, when I do a custom setting, such as setting the BPM ( beats per minute ) to fit my Cubase project, Cubase SX3 will not let me import it. I have to convert the Wav to Midi by the Digital Ear default settings. This is always 120BPM. Cubase will let me import that. If the project tempo is different, I have to import the midi at 120BPM and time stretch once it is in. Also, the midi files that are created are very low in volume, even if I bring in a peak limited Wav file. All in all though, I am very pleased with the product and have already made some of my harmonica lines sound like tin whistle, organ and even bass. It is mind boggling in that sense. As far as importing custom Wav's created by Digital Ear into Cubase, maybe there is some preference that needs to be changed in Cubase Midi options. It is weird that I can bring the custom Wav's into Adobe Audition, an ancient version of Cakewalk and even Windows Media player, but Cubase SX3 will not allow this. If anyone has any knowledge about SX3 Midi preferences that I might be missing, your comments would be greatly appreciated.

send me a midi file you created and I will give it a whirl, it should work fine. i have never seen a midi file that cubase wont take and I have been using it since VST32

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