Digital Console or Analog Mixer??


New member
I want to be able to record up to 24 tracks into SONAR 4. My current plan is to utilize a couple of Mackie 800R preamps, along with some better single preamps, going through a MOTU 24i/o into the computer. I would control the mixer in Sonar using the Mackie Control Universal, with a couple of Extenders.

I would really like everyone's opinion on this setup. The more I read, the more I wonder if getting a nice 24 channel mixer, going into the computer for editing purposes only, and mixing back through the analog mixer onto another recording medium is really the way to go. Everything I read seems to say that I'll have more control over the overall mix, EQ especially, if I go with the analog setup. The only issue I can see with this (please flame away if I'm wrong), is the extra conversion from digital to analog that would be done in that step.

I'm really trying to focus on the best I can do with a somewhat limited budget, but still keeping longivity and expandability in mind.

Thanks in advance!
I think you should find what suits you best, as everyone has their own way of working. You could try borrowing/hiring an analog console. Hook it up, get a band in and see if you like working on a big ass analog desk. Do you have a lot of outboard equipment to go with the analog desk? such as compressors, reverbs, etc...

If you decide to go with the control surface, consider getting a smaller mixer such as an M12 (Soundcraft) for some basic clean pres and then add a few outboard pres like the 800Rs. This would allow you a lot more flexability in being able to get a variety of sounds. This is what I do, and for now it works just fine for me. I dont have any control surface, but i am saving for a mackie control. Eventually tho, i would also like to be able to move onto a big analog console, but i know i'm gonna miss things like automation and instant recall (no way i'm gonna be able to afford a console with all the extra goodies built in!).

You didnt mention any specific numbers for you budget, but if you do want an analog inline console I would look at the following three:

Mackie 8 Bus analog
Soundcraft Ghost
Allen & Heath GS3000

Soundcraft also have their Spirit Studio range available second hand.

All three come in 24 or 32 chan versions (i'm guessing the 24 chan version is what you're going to want to go with your 24 i/o). If you cant afford those yet its probably best to stick with a smaller mixer/pres and a mackie control (or mouse and keyboard like me!)

Hope i've helped,


(PS sorry if i'm making no sense or i'm telling you stuff you already know, just crawled outa bed, still half asleep =)