DigiFreq 14 - Optimizing your Audio PC


DFreqFEATURE - Optimizing your Audio PC

Just because you buy a computer with the latest specs, doesn't mean
you'll get the best performing PC, especially when it comes to
audio. There are certain configurations and settings that can make
your PC optimal for audio work.

Tip 1: Two Drives are Better
Tip 2: Audio Drive Formatting
Tip 3: Turn Auto Run Off
Tip 4: Typical Role of this PC
Tip 5: Limit Virtual Memory
Tip 6: Crack Down on File Caching
Tip 7: A number of other Tweaks
Tip 8: Maybe more?

The entire text for this article and the step-by-step instructions for these tips can be found in DigiFreq newsletter issue number 14. Download the issue for FREE at:

Scott R. Garrigus - Author of Cakewalk, Sound Forge, and SONAR Power! books; Publisher of DigiFreq. Win a free copy of MusicMatch Jukebox Deluxe and learn more cool music technology tips and techniques by getting a FREE subscription to DigiFreq... go to: