Digidesign Digi 002 RACK

Gugugaga said:
This DIGIDESIGN 002 rack unit audio interface is also for PC or only for MAC users? I'm new and I don't speak english quite well, so please be patient with me. Thx everybody! :confused:

I don't understand how this forum works. Sorry. It's my first experience with "forums"...
Yes the 002 is dual-platform (Mac or PC), and runs quite well on either ( as long as your PC is on the list of supported systems).

The forum is quite simple. Post a message to an existing topic, or post a new topic, and wait for replies. If you don't get any replies after a day or so you can pretty much figure that:

A: Nobody knows anything about your topic (though this doesn't neccessarily mean they won't reply anyway) or:

B: Nobody who knows saw your thread, or

C: Nobody cares. Not likely, but possible. ;)

Welcome to the board. Don't be discouraged. You'll get the hang of it eventually.
Thank you Brane!

I have a P4 2,4, 1GB ram. For the moment, my PC doesen't have Firewire, but I'll buy a 1394 controller and I'll stick it into my Motherboard.
Practicaly, I can use this audio interface (soundcard) either on PC or Laptop. Of course, not in the same time...Bye Brane! :)