Digi MBox


New member
Hi guys. I was planning on getting the Digidesign MBox for my small project home studio to act as a analog / digital converter for Pro Tools LE. I noticed that the MBox has two mic preamps and TRS inserts as well. I don't need the preamps since I arleady have an anolog mixer. My question is, if I plug the signal into the TRS inserts from the output of my mixer, will it bypass the preamps and not affect or degrade the signal? I ask this because lets say I get a really good mic preamp later on. I don't want to have the signal turn to crap once it goes into the Mbox and onto my computer. I'm not sure what happens to the signal once it goes into the box, will it degrade the analog signal in anyway? I hope my question makes sense to you guys. Thanks.
M-box is very quiet.
You don't need to use the insert return to patch your console. Just plug into the line in and select line. you are simple dealing with the attenuator knobs in the signal...If you pin em out, they're out of the equation. I don't think you'll be able to hear the solder connections.
If you can afford it, I'd get a 002 rack.
Lots more inputs so you can plunk 8 tracks at a clip using your console.
What do you mean it is quiet? You mean it doesn't produce a loud signal or there isn't a lot of interference? Also, what do you mean "pin them out" with reference to the knobs?
Check out the Digidesign website (Digidesign.com) and find the Technical Document Library. They have a download PDF entitled "Getting Started With Mbox." According to the PDF, the Mbox inserts are located after the preamps and before the A/D converts. As such, they would bypass the preamp. The only complication is the cabling. It looks like they accept a standard insert or "Y" cable. So if you are using a preamp OUT to Mbox IN, you might need to build a custom cable. I think you could also get away with using a Y cable by inserting the cable tip part way (I know, it sounds like a half-assed method, but I've heard people suggest it!)
No you have to use the focusrite pre's. The inserts are looped to the cans for wet mixes during overdubs. The pre's are pretty good though so I wouldn't worry about it. You may be able to kill em with the line option though I haven't tried that yet.
digiplex said:
No you have to use the focusrite pre's. The inserts are looped to the cans for wet mixes during overdubs. The pre's are pretty good though so I wouldn't worry about it. You may be able to kill em with the line option though I haven't tried that yet.

Do you mean "looped" to an external device (EQ, Compressor, Reverb) and back through the A/D converters to the computer or just looped to headphones? If you simply loop to headphones, you are not recording "wet" mixes, just "dry" ones with effects for the benefit of the vocalist or player. If that's the case and there is no way (other than SPDIF IN) to add an external preamp, I would not buy the Mbox. The preamps may be "decent" for the money, but they are probably equivalent to the low-end Focusrite Platinum series--perhaps something like the Trakmaster. People will argue about the quality of low-end preamps (and Fletcher will say the Trakmaster is "Shite") but I would not want to preclude the possibility of upgrading. It's like buying a computer and not being able to change monitors or add RAM.
dwillis45 said:
.... I think you could also get away with using a Y cable by inserting the cable tip part way (I know, it sounds like a half-assed method, but I've heard people suggest it!)

Should read: "I think you could also get away with using one half of a Y cable or a single cable by inserting the cable tip part way..."
If I used the line in as the input that would bypass the preamps, right? Why wouldn't it? The signal would already be amplified so it would need to go through them and it's not even from a mic so why would it use the mic pre-amps? Isn't the line in made for signals that are already amplified? If this is still a problem, what else can I get that would work with Pro Tools LE? Is seems like the digi 002 rack would have the same problem since it has gain controls and mic preamps too. There has to be away around this problem. I thought Pro Tools was like the standard in the recording industry. How the hell do they solve this problem?
In theory, your signal will pass to the convertors on the Mbox unapmlified.

In practice, though? I've never tried it so I'm not sure if it will work.

In other tricks like this, you have to insert the plug half way into the insert jack, whcih can lead to other problems since the conection isn't fully sealed and can crackle.

Also in praqctice, I've run the signal through a couple preamps and not had a noticeable signal degradation. If the insert input doesn't work, you can set the Mbox for a line level signal and it will sound fine.

Take care,