Differnt pitch shifting


New member
I know this isn't normally what pitch shifting effects are used for, but I'd like some sort of gear that could constantly detune a signal 200 cents or so. Almost simulating drop tuning, most I've seen actually play the note while it's dropping, so you can hear the pitch shift, that's not what I'm looking for. Does this even exist??? Pedal or rack??? Thanks for any help!!!
By constantly,do you mean repeatedly,or once having done it,it stays there? if it's the latter,both the VG-8 and the newer VG-88 by Roland have patches that "retune" the strings of your guitar to a variety of alternate tunings as long as the patch is active.The catch? You gotta install the special GK-2 pickup on your guitar.Cheers!
Yeah. Same breed as Octave doublers. Notice how Octive doublers sometimes have the 5ths and 4ths available? I'm sure you can get half steps and variable "detunes."

You're playing in, say, 440, and you want to get down to 428 or so, right? I think these things exist, look for 'em.