Different mic setup when strumming and fingering on acoustic guitars?


New member
Hey, I use the Neumann Km 184, it's very great. I learned to record acoustic guitar fingering, I learned to use 2 Neumann Km 184s, it sounds great, but when I use the same technique when recording strumming/chords, it seems like the low end is just clashing and sounds very fat and wide, instead of thin and tight, you know where I am going with this?

I would just know what you guys prefer for recording strumming, compared to fingering? Any technique that works for both playing styles?

Thanks in advance!
The best thing is trial and error, really, but I do generally pull the mics back a bit for heavier strummed play.
I don't see any reason that the same mics wont do a great job but who knows. Try everything you've got. :)

If you're planning to switch between the two styles on the fly then I'd put the emphasis on performance more than anything.
It's like a drummer who smashes the hi-hat around. No mic position's going to fix that. ;)
I use special nylon pics just for recording strumming, they sound great just for recording, but mostly it's in the technique getting bass tight, your right hand should be muting strings when they don't need to be ringing out which can tighten the sound, sometimes it's the actual guitar sound which you won't be able to change, some guitars sound looser in the bass than others.

Your mics are definitley not problem that's for sure, KM184's are superb mics