Different guitars....


I like to Google and look and read about different guitars with all the shapes and sizes....unusual, ugly, simple and unique alike.

I tried to do a search for a thread already done, but the function keep coming up with a blank page.

Warmoth strat~http://www.crazydog.co.uk/images/warmoth_fender_strat_stratocaster_guitar_headstock_02.jpg



National single Resonator~http://www.nationalguitars.com/lo_band/images_for_html_pages/style_4_back_small.jpg

I also like to find sites of individual guitar makers...here is a link to a page, that if you scroll down, there are several names to click on and you can check out their guits~http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.paulasbell.com/images/_PDA_NewportTJ-45.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.paulasbell.com/gallery.html&h=436&w=520&sz=65&hl=en&start=55&um=1&tbnid=wHfb-BNR6t7igM:&tbnh=110&tbnw=131&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dguitar%2Bheadstock%2Bstyles%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN
I love the frog on the stagg guitar!
My fav funky funny is the Burns Bily Bragg used to play - green, acoustic with a pick up & an almost Muslim Crescent headstock - it also sound BRILLIANT - well he made it sound that way anyway.
I also love many of those not quite copies 60's japanese guitar makers - so cool in their interpretation of US styles & brands.
Similarly the striking images of Danelectros and most of the Rickies almost match their sounds.
I do loath the modern metal guitar styles - I think Gene Simmons has a lot to answer for when it comes to guitar as poor sculpture - machismo doesn't do much for an instrument.
I played in a band in the early 80's with a fellow who owned & played a tommy gun/sub machine gun type of guitar. It didn't rate as cool in any way shape or form for me. A bit try hard really.
Nice links True. I have a collection of net images of guitars I think are cool - you can tell by the ones I own & love that my taste is some few inches north of my sphincter.
phannque bewie mulch!
I thought that thing at the top of the Stagg guitar looked like the pubic louse I couldn't get rid of for 5 months...

That'll teach you to sign a tenancy agreeement. Never sign a tenancy agreement. And don't rent rooms out to insectoid parasites.

Trust me I know. I rented to a fair few insectiod parasites, and they never pay the rent on time, and just sit around smoking crack all day. Fuckers :mad:
Trust me I know. I rented to a fair few insectiod parasites, and they never pay the rent on time, and just sit around smoking crack all day. Fuckers :mad:[/QUOTE]
Once flea bitten, twice Shylock?
I LOVE those VOX guitars - ever since I bought an early Greg Kinh Band LP & it was in the band pic I've wanted one - or an MIJ facsimilie thereof (not hand drawn thankyou).
Nice links True. I have a collection of net images of guitars I think are cool - you can tell by the ones I own & love that my taste is some few inches north of my sphincter.
phannque bewie mulch!
Thanks Ray.

I don't think anyone's taste is bad....just different strokes for different musicians. I love the uniqueness of that!!

It would be boring as hell, if everyone liked the same guitar and heard the same sounds in their heads....;)
