Different Gear-Hook ups?


New member
Hello all, I've moved across the country (again) and sadly I parted ways with quite a bit of my gear. I'm now in the process of putting another equipment room together. My Kurzweil is an older unit so it does not have USB out. I have it routed to a Yamaha Motif ES rack. (MIDI OUT > MIDI IN). The mixer I'm currently using does have USB and works fine for the audio. The Motif rack unit has USB. My Cakewalk sees the Motif and I can pull sounds from it. Both the Kurzweil and the Yamaha have MIDI IN - OUT - THRU ports. Here's my question: Cakewalk doesn't see the Kurzweil. Not a big deal because the sound off the Yamaha are better anyway. I have an Alesis Drum machine I want to add to Cakewalk. Bottom line is I'm using the Mixer USB out for audio and the Yamaha Motif USB for MIDI. Should a add a separate AUDIO/MIDI interface to tie everything together and lose the current way I have things routed or can I use the MIDI THRU ports to tie everything together? I'm torn because I don't want to spend $$$ on something I do not need. Also it's questionable which interfaces work with Windows 11. Most of the descriptions are still reading older operating systems. If anyone can take a few minutes to give me some good ideas I'd be much appreciative. Keep in mind the main purpose for this set up is loading MIDI files, changing the sounds and muting guitar and vocal tracks. Then I do what I want to spend time on. Playing my guitars over the MIDI recordings.
I have a similar situation in that I have a midi-controller keyboard that has USB straight to the computer and I have an old keyboard with midi ports. For that one I just run the stereo signal out to my interface which is fine because I don't use it a lot and it sounds good.
I'm not having trouble with the audio much. I need to find the answer to how to get everything communicating with Cakewalk Bandlab. Right now the only unit Cakewalk sees is the Yamaha ES Rack. The only audio "interface" I'm using is the interface built into the Mackie ProFX12v3. The only MIDI "interface" I'm using is the USB to Laptop coming from the Yamaha ES. I need to find out the best way to go to incorporate the Kurzweil piano and the Alesis drum machine into the flow. Thanks for the reply.