differences between 828 and 828mk2?


New member
I'm looking into buying a new interface and was wondering what were the differences between the 828 and the 828mk2.
The 828 is a lot cheaper on ebay and seems to have the same specs as to inputs and main features.
the 828mk2 seems to be exactly what i need, well, i could allways get more inputs, but this won't happen in one peice of hardware!

anyway, thanx for pointing out the differences.
For starters, the mkII can do 24 bit, 96 kHz. I think think the original was 16 bit, 44.1 kHz (or maybe 48).
The MkII also has Wordclock I/O and separate inputs for the preamps, leaving you with 8 line level inputs instead of 6.
wow thanx!
for the 300$us i guess the mk2 is well worth having instead of the first version of the 828.

Its actually quite pricy, but i guess its worth every penny!