Difference between delta 410,44,66,1010LT, hmmmmmm


New member
ok now Im seeing the difference but is there a difference in performance.. I currently use a sb audigy and can pump out some really good stuff with enough man hours put into mixing/tracking... BUT, its time to upgrade to a much better soundcard.. Im trying to get the best vocal quality I can per dollar cost.. Now by vocals I mean singing/hiphop music vocals.. I record no instruments so multiple inputs wouldnt be a factor.. At first I was wondering if these series of cards would give me the vocal quality for a base that I am looking for.. I own a couple of condensor mic's but mostly use a RODE ntk for recording, and my cpu is more then capable of processing.. Now, with that said Im wondering what are the differences between the 4 models listed..

delta 410,44, 66, 1010LT..? Is it just the amount of inputs thats different? Are the converters different..? does one produce better results then the next..?

Also if these cards are not capable of the vocal quality I want... Which are some good ones to go with... I cant really afford a 6-700 dollar card so any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated.. Thank you..
All of those are pretty much on par quality-wise and really only differ on features.
M-Audio makes good cards for the money. Lots of happy users here, including me.
yes but if their quality is on par, why is a linx card so much more? Im just trying to buy the best card per dollar cost... Under 500 Im trying to stay..

with monitors I realized it was an ear thing, you had to be comfortable with whichever monitors you bought.. There isnt one monitor thats better then the next to different people sometimes... but how do I Choose the best soundcard, I mean im looking for probably the best converters for the money but which card is going to come with the best A/D converters for the money. At least how would i know..?

and yes I spent about n hour or 2 searching the forums and i learned some stuff but I didnt find an answer thus I posted this.. Thanks again..
I assume you mean Lynx.
Hey, that's a whole different beast and has nothing to do with any of the cards you mentioned in your first post.
Way better (so I've heard).
You can get a 1010 on ebay for just under 500 bucks or so (maybe even 350, I saw one go for that low - no reserve) if you're patient and alert.

1010lt for $185.00 - $200.00

You said you don't care about having multiple inputs or not, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say not to check into any m-audio cards lesser than the 1010lt to offer you a shade of space for growth if you can afford it.

Currently, I use a 1010lt, but I'm soon upgrading cards - not another m-audio joint, but my experience with my 1010lt has been acceptable to my tired, built-in-lpf ears...

Just saw a thread here a week or so ago wih some links to soundcard comparison pages. Should be easy enough to find. If not, just google. Besides, there's shitloads of m-audio comparison info on this site.

Lynx is a different type of soundcard, is a pro one, M-Audio cards are semi-pro if you like, but as christiaan said they worth the money, I´m happy with my 1010lt. With your budget you could get one 1010.
