difference b/w MOTIF RACK ES and MOTIF RACK


New member
whats the difference between both of these racks? MOTIF RACK ES and regualr Motif? what the es stand for, maybe that'll help. :rolleyes:
There's a bigger difference between the keyboard Motifs (orig vs ES) than in the racks, but the ES rack has the new arpeggiators and effects, and the extra samples (although the original rack had some of the ES samples already, if I'm not mistaken). It's less of an upgrade from the original rack to the ES than a Motif 6 to a 6ES, but considering how much value the original rack is holding, I'd say spend the little amount extra and get the ES rack. Don't think you'd notice the cash difference!
Staggering for certain things. The straight keyboard stuff and general sounds are the best out there. I use a Korg Triton for certain other things that need a little more ambience or whatnot, but the Motif (either model) plants the common sounds in the mix very well. Plenty of weight without being overhyped, if that makes sense...