Did You Loose Track of Your Foundation?

69 SG

The Dream World of Electronics is a very easy place to lose your contact with reality.
Reconect with your acoustic every now and then and you will find Reality.
I hear all kinds of coverups using affects to mask bad solos from people that could do better.
out of key transistions,
and everyone says yeah thats pretty good
What's wong with saying:
There was a few Klinkers in there.
If you are bold enough to to put it on here
You should be ready to have mushmellon coments that don't amount to much.
Or if you are really lucky,.....
helpful constructive critsizem.
If it is any good at ALL copyright it FIRST
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good concept everyone should know.

for example, this guy i work with has been playing guitar for two years now, and has not really proggressed. he is still hung up on dimebag and learning his stuff, but he can still only play two string power chords, and poorly i might add.

he's always asking how to get better, and i tell him to forget learning others people stuff and experiment with how things work together, go and explore your guitar....but he doesnt, not much at least.

i also tell him to if he's only going to learn pantera songs, to play clean(he doesnt own an acoustic) and that the distortion with beginners covers up a lot of flaws in a way. his respnse is, "yeah, but i like it to sound mean and dirty."

he will never progress with that attitude. he had and acoustic once but sold it. my theory is, he doesnt really have a passion for music, or else he would get better and stop trying to learn pantera songs.

anyways, thats my stupid story.
The Dream World of Electronics is a very easy place to lose your contact with reality.
Reconect with your acoustic every now and then and you will find Reality.
I hear all kinds of coverups using affects to mask bad solos from people that could do better.
out of key transistions,
and everyone says yeah thats pretty good
What's wong with saying:
There was a few Klinkers in there.
If you are bold enough to to put it on here
You should be ready to have mushmellon coments that don't amount to much.
Or if you are really lucky,.....
helpful constructive critsizem.
If it is any good at ALL copyright it FIRST

OK. So let's start with your grammar and sentence structure.

Seriously, there are many who come here for advice and others who come here for support. Great posters know enough to give both.
Case in point: On a groove-based track (rare for me) that I'm putting on the new album, I started by setting up an electronic skeleton to hang everything on. It sounded good, but it wasn't giving me the kick in the teeth I needed.

Around that time, I saw a former bandmate of mine playing in a reggae-ish jam band at a local burger joint, and saw the moments of sudden inspiration pop up in places where they wouldn't in the sequenced grid world. I brought those guys into the studio to play the exact same song I had just recorded, but this time without metronomes or backing tracks or anything.

Kicked. In the teeth.

If you get really good players who are on the same page, there's absolutely no replacement, energy-wise. That's not to say that every song needs that sort of energetic feel, but when you need it, you need it.

And yeah, effects don't cover up bad performances. But in tandem with sloppy performances, they might make the kids with the tragic haircuts buy your records...
OK. So let's start with your grammar and sentence structure.

Seriously, there are many who come here for advice and others who come here for support. Great posters know enough to give both.
you are a nasty old fart aren't you?
Did they put some lead in your Ensure or ecoli in your Depends low ball supporter
Man, there's enough anger, spite, death, destruction, killing, cheating, illness, sickness, hate, revenge, murder, ill will in this world...he was just giving you a tip...I didn't even know really what part of your OP was the post and what part was a sig either...etc
No nasty intended.
I see people like you driving down the road all of the time.
With their finger stuck up their nose to the 2nd knuckle trying to find something.
But all they pull out is Boogers.
Just a reminder that most of the folks who come here are looking for sound (pun intended) advice most of the time.
You have given none at all so far.
What IS reality? =D

The Dream World of Electronics is a very easy place to lose your contact with reality.
Reconect with your acoustic every now and then and you will find Reality.
I hear all kinds of coverups using affects to mask bad solos from people that could do better.
out of key transistions,
and everyone says yeah thats pretty good
What's wong with saying:
There was a few Klinkers in there.
If you are bold enough to to put it on here
You should be ready to have mushmellon coments that don't amount to much.
Or if you are really lucky,.....
helpful constructive critsizem.
If it is any good at ALL copyright it FIRST
You have given none at all so far.

My prior posts are there for all to see. Personal attacks are not helpful or productive and only provide insight into the person who posts them. Post all you wish. This is over as far as I'm concerned.
I agree that people should write and respond to work as they see fit. So if you want to be that voice that 'tells it like it is' then you go there. Then I, and all who post on this forum will take your criticism with that clarity. As we already do with many others, like yourself, who hold ‘artist honesty’ in such short supply.

But don't appoint yourself as some arbiter of the critiquing process and tell me, or others that they have to behave like you when we evaluate other people’s music.

I think that was what the other guys were getting at.

Interestingly enough you post in a thread that you ‘didn’t care whether it was instinct or theory that help you write because you just wrote for yourself’. I am surprised that one so angered by ‘mushmellon coments that don't amount to much’ would also provide themselves with the perfect ‘get out’ when their own work would be criticised – “Well man it’s just for myself anyway”

Unlike some I rather liked your stream of consciousness post, I thought it was a song to start with – but that’s just me being all mushmellon (nice word) again.

Where's Walter to brighten things up?
I feel like I've stumbled onto the secret "English as a 3rd Language" portion of HR.com....

*backs out slowly...*

[that's right, this post was not helpful. whooptie doo.]
I see people like you driving down the road all of the time.
With their finger stuck up their nose to the 2nd knuckle trying to find something.
But all they pull out is Boogers.

You have given none at all so far.

Since I'm posting non-helpful stuff, I thought I'd comment on this (which also was not at all helpful, but rather just a straight up insult). Anyway, "2nd knuckle"? I just tried that with all 8 fingers, and both thumbs, and couldn't get anywhere close to the 2nd knuckle. Frankly, getting much beyond the first knuckle is quite a challenge. I'm calling BS on this. And furthermore, what would these people that you see "all the time" be looking for other than boogers, anyway?

Since you are all about honest critiques, I just thought I'd start here.

I will now move along.
Since I'm posting non-helpful stuff, I thought I'd comment on this (which also was not at all helpful, but rather just a straight up insult). Anyway, "2nd knuckle"? I just tried that with all 8 fingers, and both thumbs, and couldn't get anywhere close to the 2nd knuckle. Frankly, getting much beyond the first knuckle is quite a challenge. I'm calling BS on this. And furthermore, what would these people that you see "all the time" be looking for other than boogers, anyway?

Since you are all about honest critiques, I just thought I'd start here.

I will now move along.
I've seen some of the after affects of this type of activity.
Unless you are trying to enlarge your nostrils
It would be wise not to continue this type of bodily exploration.
But if you are bound to become a carnival side show entity.
Try using your Big Toe, you might acheive statis in the Pythium Primate family
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