dialing in delay


New member

I'm new to cubase.

I'm trying to get a delay with lots of feedback in sync with a song. It's recorded to a click track rewired from reason, so tempo is consistant. the problem is i cant get the delay quite right...i'm using the fx-2 double delay VST plug-in. it seems like it cannot be adjusted at a fine enough level. does anyone know of a VST delay that can be adjusted really fine....i'm talking smaller increments than a millisecond....preferably a free plugin?


i know i could do it in cool edit pro, i hope cubase inst going to get shown up!

I'm not sure I understand why you need to go finer than a ms... I always sync to tempo and never had the need to use anything other than whole milliseconds. Are you saying that if you round the delay up/down you can hear a .5 millisecond difference?
Since the human ear does not recognize less than a 3 millisecond delay, I would say that 1 ms is just fine:)