DFH & V-drums

Mr. Ins@ne

New member
Well, I've been a Td-10 (Roland) user for some time, and quite honestly it did work for my "home-needs" but I always thought the samples (even after upgrading to the TDW-1) were kinda shitty. Recently (this week) I decided to try the TD-10 as a midi controler with the DFH samples. I built a fancy multisampled kit on LM4 MKII, spent some time tweaking the velocity parameters for better response, and finally when I got to test it, I was just so fucking amazed. No latency (even using about 20 samples per piece) whatsoever, or at least not enough latency to compromise the playing feel and to get on your nerves. The snare just got the most realistic sound and sensitivity I've ever even imagined or dreamt of. Everything got so dynamics. It rocks. I'm thinking on buying the TD-20 "body", but buying a cheap module (like the TD-3) just to trigger the DFH samples and I can hardly wait for DFH superior to get better hihat samples. Today I spent about 2 hours just jamming and having fun with it, I filmed the whole session, here's some small clips to those who feel ceptic about it. And try to listen to it without viewing the video, and tell me if it is me or this sounds amazingly real?

DFH + TD10 Jam 1

DFH + TD10 Jam 2
Fuckin awesome. Always been a believer in DFH.
Whats the cheapest way I could pull that off without using the way too expensive Vdrums but still getting good sensitivity and triggering? I am slowly working my way towards a drum kit, but this seems like a better route, in a way. Jam quietly, (even band practices) and get really good sounds live, etc. I would want them to LOOK like drums though, in case I did live stuff. Every time I've seen a drummer with electric looking pad kits play live I thought it was faggoty looking.
Whats the cheapest brain that would hold DFH and multisamples?
Well, actually I'm selling my whole drumkit to buy the new TD-20, but I already got a buyer for it. :P Honestly, I think the cheapest Roland module should work fine (Roland TD-3) with DFH. I just used the close samples. Maybe I should use the room samples on the cymbals. If you wanna play live, you should consider buying a good drumkit with decent pads (Like TD-10 - this one - or TD-20). If you just wanna jam, record and have fun at home, buy a cheaper model.
So if I used the TD-3, it will hold all of my DFH sounds and then I just buy some pads to trigger them? 9 trigger inputs doesnt seem like much though.