Desert song

The song is too compressed and has no dynamics left. The effect you're using on the vocals is what it is, has no bottom end but I'd try bringing up the volume a bit and adding some presence. The singing is out of tune in spots and sounds like the singer is singing up to the note. Have the singer think above the note.
hotpotato said:
Anyone else?

First of all, if someone takes the time to listen to your stuff, a simple "Thank you" would be a lot more polite than "Anyone else". That said:

Morningstar nailed it, it has no dynamics and the vocals are stagnant. The song is fine, its well done and the mood is fine, but the vox do not stand out front and center and they sound mundane. Its a good song.
My apologies, you're quite right, i was in a rush.

Thanks for the feedback (both), i'll take a look at the original mixes and maybe post back up when i've had a go at fixing it.
DavidK said:
First of all, if someone takes the time to listen to your stuff, a simple "Thank you" would be a lot more polite than "Anyone else". That said:

Morningstar nailed it, it has no dynamics and the vocals are stagnant. The song is fine, its well done and the mood is fine, but the vox do not stand out front and center and they sound mundane. Its a good song.

DavidK said:
Morningstar nailed it, it has no dynamics and the vocals are stagnant. The song is fine, its well done and the mood is fine, but the vox do not stand out front and center and they sound mundane. Its a good song.
I agree....with some added input....
I think the vocal effect is cool - bit of a "telephone" effect - very useable.
I think you could do a better job on the vocals with a bit of work, they're good, you just need to improve your pitch a bit. Singing it a bunch of times will get you more comfortable, relaxed and familiar. Then retrack....
I think the music is pretty much done - can't find any problems there.....
:) :) :) :) :)
Thanks Ido....

The vocals to me sound a bit loose. I hit some i miss some. Believe me i sung this a lot! It's a combination of at least 8 takes and their were probably 10 that had no usable parts. My voice is ok but not a lot of range and the style i chose to sing for this song perhaps wasn't right for me.

I always sing a loose idea for melody whilst i'm playing and usually it's a case of 'if i do enough takes i'll hit it once!', even if i know its stretching me. Not always the case though.....

Thanks for the compliments though, gotta admit the effect was more a case of finding something to make the vox sit well rather than going for a particular sound. More luck than judgement.

i like the vox fine.

but yea, it sounds like you culled the mids/low mids from everything.
and the compression.

kik is maybe a little loud (and maybe tappy for this genre)
and snare is maybe a little quiet to me.
Turn snare up a bit.

Kick is nice for another style, but I would use a little less ''click'' and I would turn the kick down a bit.

Rest is nice and relaxed : kuddos !!
Thanks for all the drum you no doubt guessed, they're more machine than man. I think the original rhythm mix was not so good and i tried to compensate later, thus exaggerating some of the clickiness/ tap of the Kick.....

I dunno i may leave this a while and try a fix with fresh ears.

Hi Potato!!

I like the lazy vocals. I think it is confidence lacking when singing. You are perhaps worrying about what you sound like, rather than the feel of it. I do this all the time. If you sang it lazy, but with confidence in the words of emotion you are singing, then it would take on a new aura. It will also bring out the annunciation of the words too. I would like to know if I am listening to a love song, death song, hate song.....whatever. :D

Like that latinish feel on the guitar and the Lou Reed/Al Stewart feel of the song.

Perhaps some congas. This is the second song I have felt congas on tonite. Must be in a Latin mood. ;)

True :) :) :)
Heh heh, congo's i'm liking, unfortunately all my sampled ones are rubbish so i'll be leaving alone for now.

You're def right on the confidence thing, if i think i might struggle to reach a note you get very conscious just before it hits, vicious circles n that....

As for the emotion, its a desert song(!!) and recalls a time i was taken into the desert outside Dahab with the promise of as much booze, smoke and food as i could take under the desert sky for a mere £5. We were virtually force fed barely cooked chicken, neat vodka and some very potent weed which they insisted on giving in the form of blowbacks mostly. The aim was to make us unconscious as quickly and cheaply as possible.