Deposit on Recording Time


New member
Hey All,

I've got some gear and have been approached by someone to record a couple tracks over a month or so, a day a week for a month (or something like that). What is a reasonable desposit I should ask for if we're looking at a 1500-2000 over all cost in the end. Should I ask for one?

Not sure about what the standard is, but any useful info. would be appreciated as a new buisnessman, as I've not really done this before and don't want to get screwed.

Somewhere between 25-50% wouldn't be unreasonable.

The way I once worked it for a client who was short on cash, but was coming in once a week was that he paid half of each session each time he came - meaning that covered the cost of the actual session plus a deposit towards the mixing time. By the time he got to mixdown, he was almost paid up and was happy that he didn't have to fork out too much more!
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I would agree with Bear- you should also take into account mixing and mastering. Are you going to do it or out source it. It makes a difference in the hourly rate you charge and you should always get a deposit. Make sure you book them in a time slot and charge them for it- so if they book from 12-4 and show up at 1 they don't get that hour back. Remember- in the end you have the tracked material- so no play until pay!! I would say that 1500 to 2000 seems fairly high for only a couple of tracks. I would hope that includes mixing as well.