Demo song feedback

vocal seems to be really distant, unless I'm playing too low volume, but I hear the bass drum click louder.
What KInd of Equipment?

Hey guys,

Nice song, but I was wondering what kind of equipment you guys were using to record.(Mics, outboard effects, procesors). I'd like to hear your drum cymbals panned a little wider and I'd like to hear your Bass guitar a little more clearly, any chnce of using a compressor on the Bass guitar? It sounds kinda muffled and boomy. What are you guys suing for a mixer too might help with some of your feeback from people.
i have a real minimal recording setup. I used my omni studio to record four tracks for the drums first. Used sm57 mics. One near the snare. One overhead,and one near the toms. Then a bass drum mic my guitarist had. I think it was a part of smoe cheap drum mic pack. Then We went track to track. Gutarist uses a v-amp run through a Barringer( sorry about the spelling)
Half stack. I put a sm57 on the speaker cab. Bass player uses a pod and ran directly into the omni studio. It probably didnt help that he hadn't changed his strings in months. Vocals were recorded with a sm57 and a radio shack mic both at the same time. Then i mixed with all the fx presets on Sonar 4 cakewalk program. Nothing real fancy. We are looking to get the best out of this setup which i know wont be the best but any help i would love maybe on our next initial recording session this wednesday someone coould give me some pointers on how to setup better with our equipment.
The song is o.k. and the playing is decent. However: the guitar sounds very thin; the vocal is over-processed and pitchy in spots; the bass is muddy; drum kit recording is not very even. Nothing is terrible about this, but nothing is very good either.

1) Work on amp settings and mic placement for the guitar. Search through some of the guitar/gear forums for tips. It has been covered extensively on this bbs. In general, less distortion yields better (fuller) sound when recorded.

2) Get some better drum overheads. The 57 is fine for snare/toms, but not as an overhead. Some small diaphragm condensers will give you a better picture of the kit. Tune the drums.

3) Bring the vocal up a couple of dB and get rid of some of the cheesy effects.

4) Read: (check the "free recording courses" on the left side)