Demo mp3 of an original pop/rock song I did on a VS1680

Dare I say this song has a Boston feel to it....damn what a people that can sing and play piss me off...loved the guitar sound...excellent composition too...the only neg that comes to mind is that everything seemed really centered...I would have liked to hear more separation in the sound, but that's just mentioned you wrote the song "a while back" long really did have a Boston "70's" thing going...which I liked....gibs
Well thanks!
I wrote it somewhere in the late 80's (geez I had to think about that..) Yep, it's definitely showing my age eh?
We were trying to keep the panning a bit subtle. We did have some trouble with panning on the VS1680 - learning curve stuff - I only had the unit for about 3 weeks. It seemed the panning was all or nothing on this machine.
Yep Boston records are in my collection.
Gord Wait
I like your sense of musical organization.
But I don't think this is a good advert for the Planet People. With an $800 computer, a $300 soundcard and your talent- even n-track would blow this production <away>. I find it hard to believe that the drum machine or the RAP-10 mangled this as much as the VS1680 itself. Are they broken? Bad cables?
But then I never got to play with one; only seen them demoed at shows.
It took me a minute to think about who the planet people were - (now I'm chuckling!).
I'd guess my old RX5 drum machine and Rap-10 are more at fault than the VS1680, oh and the DX7 doesn't compare with new keyboards either (piano patch is the DX7). Hell, I'd expect my lack of experience on any multitrack (I've had a Teac 144 for years, does that count ? :) and especially having to learn the 1680 and record/mixdown the entire demo in spare evenings in a few weeks probably means you can blame me for any sound quality issues. I don't call my studio "The Doghouse" for nuthin!
I really do like some of the effects built in the unit - makes my Quadraverb sound like mush.
I'd expect you'll get a better test of the sound quality of the unit from someone in a pro studio, with modern gear. A guy at work complained about the DX7 piano patch, and told me I should have recorded it with a Grand Piano.
I would if I had one. What I got is a DX7!
Thanks for the critique!
Boston? I don't hear that at all.

To me, it's very much in the same school as "Hold The Line" by Toto. I can even sing parts of that song over this. VERY similar vocal sound and overall balance of instruments.

Boston really didn't use a lot of keys except for Hammond.

The guitar tone is very 70's as Gibs said.

IMO, the drums really should come up in the mix... about twice what they are. Other than that, given the limitations outlined on the web page, I think it sounds good. It definitely gets the emotions and idea of the song across... and isn't that more than 75% of the battle?


[This message has been edited by CharlesThomas (edited 07-06-2000).]
Thanks again for all the comments. The guitar
sound is a Line6 Flextone direct in (a "mono" POD if you will). I usually use the tube amp model that mimics the Fender blackface twin,
which I find interesting - because I've always been a Hiwatt kind of guy..
I'll have to get to work on demoing some more
Gord Wait
Good call on "Hold the Line" CT, I caught glimpses of that too... I think the high vocal harmonies added to that. I think I caught whiffs of Alan Parson's Project too.

The biggest thing to my ears was that the whole performace seemed flat and level. Even the rhythmic accents were just kinda there. All the ingredients are in the stew and the performances seemed in time and on key, but I'd like some of the accents to punch me really good in spots. Liked the lead and tone.

Sure, better equipment and real drums would improve things a lot but I think you can still get more out of what you have to work with. Keep at it.

[This message has been edited by pglewis (edited 07-07-2000).]
Good tune overall. I don't think it sounded like Boston or Toto because it sounded like Foreigner to me. You've got a good voice. The only criticism that I would make (and I understand that it was your first mix on your VS box) was that the drums sounded very drum machine-ish. They were programmed very well, but the tone sounded mechanical. I guess that's the problem with drum machines, you aren't alone in that. I also felt that the guitars suffered the same fate as the drums. They sounded good, but a little antiseptic if you know what I mean. I really liked the vocals. They were sitting perfectly in the mix for my taste. Good job, I look forward to hearing more!
Boston . . Toto . . . Uriah Heap . . . Foreigner ? I dunno, I began hearing Bad Company that turned to 38 Special before it was over. Great tune . . . vocals, guitars, arrangement, etc . . . but, I'd say it sounds most like GordWait with a lot of musical influence mixed in. Can't wait to hear your next production.

This whole thread is a major flash-back for me... GordWait, great song by the way and a great composition.

This is how I heard it (since we were comparing it to old bands) - Foreigner at first with a little Toto, then Toto alot (Foreigner lingering), then 38 Special when the "energy filled" vocals kicked in near the middle (38 Special always kicked as* by the way - I don't know a 38 Special song that I didn't like), then Foreigner... etc.
Didn't hear any Boston - I remember Boston was much more guitar heavy.

I hope your not offended when being compared to other artists... my comparisons up there are not a bad thing in any way, but your song evokes a nice flashback for me to remember those folks that I listened to way back... still got all my skynyrd, 38 Special, etc albums sitting under my stereo.

Looking forward to your next song.
Yep, the drum machine comments are right on.
I'll have to make the effort to get my freind to do drums on the next one.
It's funny, I'm torn between being flattered by the comparisons, and being concerned! Mostly flattered - thanks! I'm encouraged to get back to work on more stuff. I definitely
am influenced by all the bands mentioned -including Boston I didn't think this particular one showed that as much..
Uriah Heap - there's a name I haven't heard in a while - I remember way back someone told me I sing a lot like the lead singer in that band.
Perhaps after I get a whole bunch of music down, my "own thing" will start to show up more. I really miss the production sound of bands like Supertramp or all others mentioned in this thread.
For the guitar sound, I'm fairly happy with it - although I might try to give it more of a live sound next time. Perhaps it's suffering from being "too clean" of a recording - the amp being emulated would never have been recorded direct in, so hum and room noise would be perhaps a part of the character. I'll have to try mic'ing in the flextone to see if it sounds better. Trouble is I do get a bit of 60 cycle hum on the flextone when the power amp section is on - never noticable when playing live, but it shows on recordings.