Demo Beat CD Question...


New member
For those of you who sell beats and make beat cd's for people to audition your long do you make your snippets (Bars/Seconds)?

What kind of structure do you use when making snippets...if any.

Off topic: What kind of contracts do you use when selling beats? (Examples are good!) wink, wink.
To be honest with u I don't do or sell beats, but the guy that does my beats for my Indie label I give out a customized contract which basically states the composition is given to you with all rights except that you agree to display his name for credit of making the beat. Some give up all control, which to me is crazy you put your heart and soul into your craft and you give it away.Now the first question I would give at least 30 secs into the arrangement just to show creativity.
All you "producers" out there and nobody makes demo cds with snippets so people can audition you beats? Surprising...almost 90 people have looked at this thread...c'mon now, somebody drop some info on how you do it.
Beat CDs

You need to protect yourself first. Don't believe that someone won't take your snippet and have another guy loop it. I have a lot of CDs that come into the studio and they want them chopped to fit their verses. I have an artists right now slated for a release next year, who recorded a song for his album, but had given the beat to someone on a beat CD previously. Now they recorded on the track and are giving it out to everyone. I don't give out a CD unless its someone I trust, or they paid for the tracks. I have had people make demo CDs, but we put a small vocal sample at the end of every 8 bars. Its not really loud but it's just enough to piss off someone trying to use it without permission. If they want to buy a track you need a simple contract stating exactly what they are buying. If they are only giving you a small amount, you really should just "lease" it to them for a specified time frame. I have a lot of clients who want platinum beats, but only want to pay $15 - 20, which is absurd. If they go to a club and make $100 performing, they've beat you, and they won't even give you credit. Just be careful who you let have a CD and make sure you have paperwork. If they balk at signing, they need another producer.

D Ruck

sup...just saw this thread...what i did to showcase my beats was create an entire album of my work with different vocal features over it. basically, i found MCs who were serious about their craft and trying to get heard, got together with them to record over my instrumentals and lyrics. i put this together as an album, i saw it more as an example of what can be done over my work, plus the inclusion of vocals definitely makes it harder for anyone to snatch loops. go to, i have some samples up.

Ashura's correct

Thats a good way to show people what you can potentially do for them. If you have a studio and want to add clientele, this can go a long way. Especially in hiphop, you have a lot of people who have studios, rap, produce or whatever, but they never release anything or complete projects. You look a lot better, and of course more serious about your music if you take that approach. Just make sure they understand you're not going to pay hem to get on it. We had a guy come back after rapping on a guys song (which he begged to get on), and say that his mom said he should get paid. The singer never made a dime from the song, since he didn't even put it out.