delta44 vs Dman2044


New member
Ok here's the scoop. I'm going to upgrade my existing system from a SB64. I was initially looking at either the delta 44 or 66, but I came across two Dman 2044s for $300. I know the 44 is a 24 bit and the 2044 is a 20 bit.

Is the difference in sound quality substantial enough to justify buying the 44 or is this deal too good to pass up - (8 i/o instead of 4 but 20bit instead of 24)?

what to do - what to do......

I think one newer 24-bit card with four inputs for $200

or six inputs (with the addition of an S/PDIF port) for $300'ProductID','mac65')&Products_Position=FIL%3A%28Manufacturer+LIKE+%27%25delta%25%27%29+OR+%28Item+LIKE+%27%25delta%25%27%29+OR+%28Category+LIKE+%27%25delta%25%27%29+OR+%28Description+LIKE+%27%25delta%25%27%29+OR+%28Platform+LIKE+%27%25delta%25%27%29ORD%3AABS%3A10KEY%3Amac65PAR%3A

vs. two older 20-bit cards for $300 is kind of a no-brainer....

More questions: are the DMan 2044s still getting driver development? That's really important now with software capable of using the new WDM driver architecture in Windows coming on to the market. ALso, can you actually use two separate DMan cards? (Some soundcards can get confused if there are more than one of the same kind in the same system, like the SB Live -- you can only put in two Lives if you use the APS drivers for one of them.)
I'm with AlChuck. I have the Dman 2044, and it is a very nice card. But I'd rather thave the 24 bit Delta 44 than two Dman 2044s.
Ok AlChuck, I checked out both cards you recommended.
I didn't exactly find a 6ins for $300 but this is what I found.

The Aardvark LX6 w/cakewalk ProAudio 9
I'm not familiar with cakewalk, is this a full version of sequencing software like PowerTracks (which I have)? and does it edit audio as well as midi? It also boasts about its effects and that no outboard effects are needed. Can you tell me a little about this soundcard. It sounds like it comes with alot more than the delta44 but also costs $150 more. It has 4 ins and 6 outs and seems to have alot of software along with it.
It also has midi which the 44 does not - I need midi! If I go with the 44, I would either have to get a midi interface or leave the SB in my PC. It also has S/PDIF which I will probably use with my minidisc recorder.
The Delta 66 has 6 in/6 out -- 4 are analog and there's a stereo S/PDIF. It was $299 at that link I referenced (Bayview Pro Audio). I see that the link-making mechanism on these forum pages didn't like all the cgi parameters in the URL and didn't form the link properly. Try and do a search for Delta.

Cakewalk Pro Audio is probably the best-selling MIDI/digital audio sequencer for the PC, and has been around for a long time, so I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. It's quite full-featured, sells for something like $300 list. It's a pretty good tool, it's the one I've been using. Like anything, some people love it, some people hate it. Be aware that they are about to release the next generation product, which they decided to call SONAR instead of Pro Audio 10. Lots of really great new features.

I've heard many good things about the Aardvark cards, came very close to buying the DirectPro last year but ended up getting a small Behringer mixer and a Delta 66 instead. I already had a Midiman MIDISPORT 2x2 USB MIDI interface...