Delta44 Splash


New member
Well, I took the plunge and bought a delta 44 based largly on what I've read here, and I too must say I have noticed a huge improvement!
I had been using the T.B MONTEGO that came with my Dell, and all along I had to fight to get levels right, and even then it seemed as though the level set on my mackie mixer was never the same as what was INTERPETED in the montego mixer.
Now its like every thing is running at UNITY , the sound quality has a full, smoothness to it, and my POD ignited tones maintain an even level on the software faders,where as mentioned before with the montego,a good rythm level would mean an anemic lead level, and vice versa.
The noise floor is incredible [ if I'm not playin, NOTHING registers on the faders, ccoool!].
I was nervous about installing it, but it really was easy, and it caused no problems with the montego , which is serving as the windows/gaming/C.D-card.
I wanna thank Doc stawl for giving me the idea for using a midi sport usb [bout time I put those things to use], and to slack, and every one who has offered info & contributed to the BBS.

A funny side note:, in my town we have both a GUITAR CENTER, and a MARS, in searching for a good price, I went to MARS online, and was quoted 229.00,
This sounded reasonable so I headed out the door.
On the way to Mars, I thought "What the hell, I'll swing by GuitarCenter & see if they have one , and, if they'll match the printout that I brought with me.
The sales guy quoted 299.00, and said "its because this version has the Deltalogic+other various soft bundled with it" sooo.. he goes to talk to his mngr. and comes back & tells me "the lowest he could come down would be 270.00"

I tell him "thanks , but I don't really need the xtra stuff"
I head out the door and pray that Mars has one in stock.
Upon arriving at the audio Dpt. in Mars, I see THE EXACT SAME CARD/SOFTWARE BUNDLE, .....
I wanted to drive back to G.C & hit the guy over the head with it.
Oh well, maybe an "honest" mistake,
and I still don't need the xtra stuff.

Congrats on the Delta....Sooner or later, we'll need a Delta forum and initiate a hostile takeover of this site....
Meshuggah, I said hostile, not horse style...dont get excited...
I must also congratulate you on your purchase. I went to Guitar center in San Jose and those chiselin' bastards saw ME comin'. I paid 299.99. On a good note though, they gave me a good quote on an American Custom Strat which I took to Haight Ashbury Music. They matched that more than fair quote and even had the Blackw/maple neck I desired in stock! Then for spite I bought a Godin Mandolin and a Shure wireless guitar system. I have to say they were fair on this purchase also. I feel morally compensated. Those clowns at GC will not get any more of my green.

P.S. The delta 44 is my first card and I think it's pretty straight forward, easy install, fun.
P.S.S. I used the drivers only and no I didn't need ANY of the bundled software.
P.S.S.S. Now that I think of it, I went on Delta's homepage and downloaded upgraded drivers so I didn't need any of the software. ???
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Thanks to all who recommended this card. I bought one and love it. I still don't know everything about it or all it will do, but so far it blows away the Soundblaster Live Platinum have still in here for monitoring and playback. The sound is noticably better.
I do have a quick question..... how do I maki it so I can hear myself or get it to play back without using the outs on the breakout box. Even if it doesn't do this I don't care. The sound and features so far rock. No more weak, distant tracks for me.
Majonna GOTW,
You need to do this through your recording software by selecting a different out source (than the Delta) for playback. With Cakewalk pro select options/audio then select your desired output. Depending on what other card you are using it may not support certain bit depth settings. I have a Sound Blaster PCI audio card and can only do this with 16 bit. What recording software are you using? I'm just figuring mine out and have much to learn also. Stick with this forum and you will eventually get the info you need. Good Luck and have fun!!!

I,m not sure of your question, but it seems that you're asking about monitoring the signal that you're recording?
If so...

I get around this by using an external mixer, I run the signal into a mackie 1402, and monitor what I'm recording via the headphone output before it even hits the hard drive, the output of the computer is routed back into a channel, works like a charm.
Hey Danelectron !! Hey Shreadzilla !!

Thanks for your input. You both answered my whole question and made me realize that I may even have a small clue. I have figured out how to monitor through my Soundblaster Live Platinum and I have also done the monitor from my board thingee. Thanks again.
To S/PDIF or not to S/PDIF, that is the question.

I'm seriously looking into a Delta. The question I have is WHICH ONE,,, ,,,the 44 or the 66. I really don't need more than three or four in/outs. The BIG MONEY DIFFERENCE between the two is that the 66 has S/PDIF capability. WTF is that? I know what it stands for, but I'm not up on the application. What's it do; What's it used for; What's it enable you to do. I'm always hoping to expand my humble little sudio nook, but if I ain't gonna expand in the S/PDIF direction, then I don't wanna shell out the extra $1oo-200 dollars (or what ever it is) to get a 66, when I'll be happy as a clam with a 44. Thanx, Tom.
S/PDIF I believe (dont quote me on this) stands for Sony Philips Digital Interface....anyway, its for the transfer of digital data....If you dont have any devices that have S/PDIF outputs or will need the output of your soundcard to go to a source that has S/PDIF such as a digital mixdown deck, then you dont need it...get the 44...
Thanx Gidge. I figured I'd post the Delta queston over here, because it's a more appropriate forum than the MP3 forum for the change of topic. All the dialog was informative in the Intensive Care Unit, but a lot of people (or not... ... maybe I'm the only dumb ass who didn't know the S/PDIF thing, but I've never been afraid to ask the "dumb" question) would miss the post hiding in there. I think it's gonna be the 44. Be forewarned Gidge, when I get it, YOU'RE SCREWED, because, like you, I hate reading manuals too, and since you've already read your's....

Dude, I admittedly had to crack the manual to figure out the routing know where to find me.....
I think for a little extra money the addition of the S/PDIF i/o is worth it. More and more devices these days have digital i/o. The POD Pro and Johnson J-Station, for example...

Of course if there's virtually no chance you would ever use it then it's probably silly...
...just when I thought I had all my shit in one sock...

Oh man, back to the drawring board. OK, "Dumb" question #2. WTF is a POD pro. I see a lot of you guys talking about plugging stuff into your POD before going into something else. I just thought it might be some sort of fetish, and decided to leave the question well enough alone. But here it is again! Geez, I feel like I've been living under a rock. Let me know what the Johnson-J do-hicky is as well. I can't buy this stuff if I don't know what they do. And I don't want to unless I'm gonna use them. Then there's the whole issue of how to configure all this stuff. I need Mr. Woopie's 3 dimentional blackboard just to keep up with the minimal set up I have already... ...But I'm not afraid to add more stuff! One more basic question. This S/PDIF info... ...again, (now slowlly for those of us whose brain function is a product of a mis-spent youth), How does it work? Is it data control or an audio device. Like, if I were to want to get a DTA or a better CDR for mastering (a stand alone), would this S/PDIF give me better quality, control, both, and how.... ...I'm confused. Thanx, Tom.
Pod Pro and J-Stationare just amp modeling/effects modules....nothing more...not needed if you already have a way of recording guitars.....

BTW, your setup is not minimal...mine is minimal....

S/PDIF is simpler to understand if you just classify it as a type of plug...some soundcards/devices have 1/8", some have 1/4", some have RCA, some have S/ what makes the S/PDIF different is that when connected to another device with a S/PDIF plug, digital data can be transferred directly...right now when you go from a device to your soundcard, it goes thru a analog/digital conversion....depending on the quality of converters, you make experience some loss of sound quality.....same thing when you go out of the computer, except it is then a digital/analog conversion....

I hope I havent confused you more....what it comes down to is if you have or ever have the need for S/PDIF you might as well spring for it will give you better quality if you ever transfer to external far as better control, its not any better/worse....