Delta 66 Problem. Help needed please.


New member
I bought a used delta 66 on ebay and Im having trouble getting it to work. The guy had good feedback so I dont think its broken, and my computer has recognized it and the drivers are installed, so i must not have the settings right. Im just simply trying to test it with a cd player going into the s/pdif. Im waiting on my dmp3 to for the breakout box. So getting to the question what do I need to do to get it working? And yes, I have read the manual and tried several things already, so any help would be appreciated. Oh, and I use adobe audition if that helps.

If the drivers are installed ok, you should have a little "M" icon in the system tray end of the Windows taskbar.
Clicking on this gets you the cards control panel.
On the Hardware settings tab, tou should see where you can check Internal or External clock source.
For the s/pdif input to work, this option must be on EXTERNAL.

Then in Audition, from the menu Options open Device Order. Ensure Delta 66 s/pdif is selected for use in the recording devices.
If you're using Edit View to record the CD player, check "Use in Edit View" for the Delta s/pdif. It should add EV to the name in the list.

While you're in Device Order, check that you only have selected the devices you need. The Multichannel ones are no good to Audition, so remove them.
This leaves you with 4 record devices...
Monitor mixer.
...and 3 playback...
The Monitor mixer lets you record the output of streaming audio or whatever the computer is playing, it's the output of the mixer in the control panel.

Close and reopen Audition to make sure the changes take effect. For CD the new project should of course be 44.1Khz stereo.

When you've finished recording from the s/pdif input, don't forget to switch the hardware settings back to Internal clock!