Delta 44 vs. Echo Layla....????


New member
situation: currently have the Delta44 and love it - great quality sound, etc. = however, more than 4 inputs would be VERY useful as I record drums alot (I'm first and foremost a drummer) and currently could easily put 6ins to good use....

a friend of mine is selling his Echo Layla (he's upgrading to the 24bit variety)...will give it to me for $300 which seems to be a good price (about what they've been selling for on eBay) - 8 inputs very good; midi in/out very good; only 20bit/50khz...bad?? I'll have to sell my Delta44 in order to complete this transaction (read: short on cash I am)

Is it worth the trade-off from 24bit/96kHZ to 20bit/50kHZ for the 4 extra ins as well as the midi? I'm in no way, shape, or form anything other than an amateur who likes to record stuff for the heck of it....

I would be interested in hearing some different opinions on this one...thanks to anyone willing to chime in