Delta 44 question


New member
I just recently purchased a Delta 44 card to use with Sonar 2.0 and I have been having trouble figuring out how to be able to hear what I’m playing, while I’m recording my guitar.

For instance, I will be able to lay down a guitar track. Then if I want to play down another track over that one, I will only be able to hear the new track or choose to hear the the old track by selecting HW ½ or Waveout ½ on the Delta control panel.

My setup consists of Guitar – Pandora Box into the ½ inputs of the Delta -------- Delta Outputs go directly out to a power amp and speakers.

Thanks for you time. It’s much appreciated.
go to the Delta control panel (bottom right corner of your screen in teh systray, the M icon) open it up, in the routing section, on the far left column (H/W OUt 1/2), click "Monitor Mixer", then in the Monitor mixer section, uncheck the mutes on Main , H/W In 1/2, Wavout 1/2, , make sure all levels are at 0 (unity gain) and then you will get your input signals and software generated signals routed out of the OUtputs of the delta card and you can monitor what you are playing and what you have recorded.
no problem, it only took me 6 months to learn that one myself! The monitor mixer in the Delta control panel is pretty flexible, but initially hard to understand. If you add digital external devices via S/PDIF, you will see you can hook those up and monitor them this way too (except you have to select S/PDIF for the timing master then).
the delta 44 has pretty good latency specs too, so you can go to your audio settings and set it for "input monitoring." this is good if you want an effect to be there when you are actually recording. In other words, it processes the effect immediately.